GLPCTL107E Failed to bind to the configuration file 'filename' of directory server instance 'instance name'. Bind failed with a return code of 'return code'.


The program encountered an error binding to the configuration file of the directory server instance. This error can occur if an LDIF syntax error is present in the file. This error can also occur if a configuration file that is not valid is specified. The exact error can be determined by running the program with tracing turned on.

User response

Look in the IBM Security Directory Server Problem Determination Guide for information about enabling tracing for IBM Security Directory Server programs using the ldtrc command. Then run the program again with the same options but include the -d 65535 option (or -h 65535 depending on the program you are running). Look at the trace output generated to determine why the bind to the configuration file has failed, and respond accordingly. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.