Supervisor Workspace

Use the Supervisor workspace to see a snapshot of your daily work. You can see the number of client referrals who are not assigned to care managers, and the available capacity of your organization unit and individual care managers. You can evaluate the performance of programs, and see priority tasks that you need to complete.

Use the side navigation menu to access the full list of unassigned clients and care managers, and to complete common actions such as managing tasks.

The information is presented in cards, with links to detailed information or further actions, if available. The following cards are available.

Unassigned Referrals
A chart that shows the number of client referrals (active and inactive) to your organization unit who are not yet assigned to a primary care team member in your organization unit. You can identify the client referrals by their priority, High, Medium, Low, Not Set, and their length of time in the system. You can assign referrals to a primary care team member in your organization unit based on their available capacity.
This chart shows the workload distribution for all active care team members in your organization unit. The Care Team view shows the total number of care team members that are assigned to you and the number among them who are Over capacity, and at High, Medium, and Low capacity. The Total view shows the maximum number of active clients that your organization unit can manage. You can also see the total number of active clients who are currently assigned to care team members, and the total available capacity of all of the care team members in your organization unit. This chart helps you to determine if your organization unit has the available capacity to take on the unassigned clients who are displayed in the Unassigned chart. If you do not specify capacity for a care team member, Not Set is displayed for capacity. But you can change the capacity Not Set to a value based on your knowledge of the care team member's experience or availability etc. The Care Team tab and Total tab in the capacity chart displays all care team members with defined capacity as shown in the following examples where Susan Brown is the care team member.
  • If Susan Brown has only one assigned role, say Data entry Operator, with Not Set capacity, then in the capacity card, Susan Brown will not be counted in the Care Team tab and the Total tab capacity.
  • If Susan Brown has only one assigned role, say Reviewer with zero (0) capacity, then in the capacity card, Susan Brown will be counted in the Care Team tab as well as the Total tab capacity.
  • If Susan Brown has two assigned roles of say Reviewer with zero (0) capacity and say Data Entry Operator with Not Set capacity, then in the capacity card, Susan Brown will be counted in the Care Team tab as well as the Total tab capacity.
Enrollment Status
This chart shows how well the programs that are provided by your organization unit are performing over the last 30 days, based on the program enrollment status of each program. You can see the number of clients that are associated with the programs, and a breakdown of the number of clients by program status over the last 30 days. You can see the numbers of clients who are assigned to programs, and the numbers of clients who are pending enrollment, enrolled, disenrolled, or not enrolled in programs. You can also see the numbers of clients who completed programs. This chart helps you to detect blockages in a program, or determine if the structure of a program needs to be changed. It also helps you to assess the performance of care managers and identify if the same care managers are disenrolling, or not enrolling clients in programs.
This calendar view shows open tasks for active clients, which are scheduled for action by day, week, or month. In the Due Tasks pane, you can see priority tasks that are due to be completed today that have no set times for completion. The list shows only tasks for clients that you authorized to view as a current member of their care team. The Due Tasks pane is not displayed for weekly or monthly views.

You can toggle between the day, week, or month views to see your upcoming tasks. The week view shows your tasks for the week, and the total number of tasks for each day of the week, for example, 10 tasks. The month view shows the total number of tasks for each day of the month. The red line shows the current time. You can see detailed task information by clicking the task name. You can also manage your tasks from the calendar.

Work List
A central view of your unscheduled and overdue tasks for active clients, assigned referrals, unassigned clients, and referrals for inactive clients. A count of tasks per category is displayed. The list of overdue tasks is sorted by the longest overdue.

Tasks in your calendar and work list are color coded based on their priority. Navy blue indicates high priority, yellow indicates medium priority, green indicates low priority, and gray indicates that a priority is not set.