Step 9: Deploying the XU RAR

After you have deployed the MBean descriptors, you deploy resource adapter archive (RAR) for the Execution Unit (XU) onto WebSphere® Application Server.

About this task

This phase of the Rule Execution Server configuration consists in deploying the Execution Unit (XU) resource adapter archive (RAR) on WebSphere Application Server and add the properties by which to identify it. The RAR file contains the XU and the persistence layer.

In the following procedure, <version_number> refers to the version of WebSphere Application Server to which you deploy the XU RAR.


In some cases, because of your application constraints, you might have to deploy the XU inside the application. It is your decision to choose the appropriate deployment mode of the XU: either embed it into the EAR or deploy it as a global connector. In any case, be aware of the following consequences.

  • When the XU is deployed as a global connector:
    • The deployed Java EE applications might use its third-party libraries (such as ASM) instead of the libraries deployed in the application server.
    • Use a parent last setting for the XU Java EE application if your Java EE application does not support the version of the third-party libraries distributed with Decision Server. If you cannot use a parent last setting, you might need to embed the XU into the EAR that executes the rules.
  • If you choose an embedded XU packaging, use a parent last setting for the code library if the third-party libraries version deployed at the level of the application-server code library are not compatible with the XU.


To deploy the XU RAR:

  1. Open the Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. In the panel, open Resources  > Resource Adapters and click Resource adapters, then click Install RAR.
  3. In the panel, select Local file system and browse to the resource archive file:


  4. In Scope, select the node where you want to install the XU RAR file, and then click Next.
  5. In the General Properties page, set the name for the XU, such as RES XU Resource Adapter, and click OK.
  6. Navigate to the new XU resource adapter and change the scope to view the adapter.
  7. Under Additional Properties, click J2C connection factories and New.
  8. Enter the following values:
    • Name: xu_cf
    • JNDI name: eis/XUConnectionFactory
  9. Click OK and Save to save the changes to the master configuration.
  10. Optionally, you can define more than one XU resource adapter.

    You need additional XU resource adapters when you have more than one node in your environment or you want to isolate the development environment and testing environment in one single node. You can deploy a JCA resource adapter at any level, depending on the capability of the application server. On WebSphere Application Server, you can install the XU resource adapter at the cell, node, cluster, or server level. But you must install it at the node level before you can deploy it at other levels.

    For example, to define a XU resource adapter on the server level:

    1. In the panel, open Resources  > Resource Adapters and click Resource adapters, then click Install RAR.
    2. Select the scope Node=xxx, Server=yyy, where xxx is the name of your node, yyy is the name of your server.
    3. Click New and enter the name of the XU as XU.
    4. In Archive Path, select ${CONNECTOR_INSTALL_ROOT}/jrules-res-xu-WAS7.rar or ${CONNECTOR_INSTALL_ROOT}/jrules-res-xu-WAS8.rar.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Repeat 5 through 9 to define the connection factory.
  11. Restart the server.

    Whenever you install or uninstall a XU, you must restart your application server.

What to do next

For more information, especially for instructions about packaging a connector into an EAR or about installing additional XU resource adapters, see one of the following information centers: