Tutorials for configuring Rules in the Developer Portal

You can configure Rules to perform specific actions when they are triggered by specific events in the Developer Portal.

Note: You must have administrator access to complete the tutorials.
You can configure Rules for the following events that occur in the Developer Portal:
  • An application is created
  • A new subscription is created
  • To request feedback two weeks after subscribing to a Product
  • Application credentials are reset
  • An application is unsubscribed from a Plan
  • A Product is superseded
You can also configure Rules to send a welcome email to new Developer Organization Owners, send an email to subscribers of a Plan when a Product is deprecated, and synchronize application credentials with an external server.
Note: There are a large number of events that you can create and configure Rules for, and the tutorials cover select examples. For a complete list of Rules events, see List of Rules events.

Rules can be imported and exported to forgo the process of Rule creation and configuration, and to store local versions of the Rules. For more information, see Importing and exporting Rules.