IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack

This documentation provides information for IBM® Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack Version 1.0.

The information that is contained in this documentation supports version

This documentation is integrated with the IBM Integration Toolkit and it is also available in IBM Knowledge Center. Always use the IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack online documentation to access the most current information; see IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack Version 1.0 and IBM Integration Bus Library.

Topics and sections within topics that are new for this release are highlighted with a start of change icon that precedes the updated information and an end of change icon that follows the updated information, as shown in this paragraph.

About IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack

IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack builds on IBM Integration Bus to provide support for the manufacturing industry.

For more information about the features of IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack, see IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack overview.

How to limit the search scope in the documentation that is integrated with the product to retrieve only IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack documentation

IBM Integration Bus and IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack both contain documentation about manufacturing. To search for information about manufacturing that is only in the IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack documentation within IBM Integration Bus, complete the following steps:
  1. Click Scope. The Select Scope window opens.
  2. Click New. The New Scope window opens.
  3. In the List name field, enter a name for the new search scope. In the Topics field, select IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack, and click OK. The New Scope window closes.
  4. In the Select Scope window, select Show only the following topics, click the name that you created earlier, and click OK. The Search field displays only topics that are found in the IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack documentation.
To reset the scope to search all of IBM Integration Bus, complete the following steps:
  1. Click Scope. The Select Scope window opens.
  2. In the Select Scope window, select Show all topics, and click OK.

Finding out about IBM Integration Bus

To learn more about IBM Integration Bus, see the following documentation:

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Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Copyright IBM Corporation 2016.

		Last updated
	Last updated : 2016-07-30 06:30:49

Reference topicReference topic | Version | ma00000