
The Normalize transform normalizes the input string by removing white space such as spaces, tabs, and returns, and moves the resulting normalized string to the output element.


For example, it can be used to remove multiple occurrences of white space characters before a comparison of data is done.

The Normalize transform is functionally equivalent to the XPath 2.0 fn:normalize-space() function. For more information about XPath functions, see the online document W3C XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0.

You can only connect one input to the Normalize transform. You must use a primary connection to connect the input element to the transform.

Define when the transform is applied at run time

You can define multiple connections between input elements and the Normalize transform. You can then use these input elements in a conditional expression that defines the condition under which the transform is applied. If the condition evaluates to true, the transform is applied.

You can use the input connected with a primary connection to the transform. To add more inputs, you can define supplement connections between input elements and the transform.

Alternatively, to define the conditional expression, you can call a static method on an imported Java™ class. You can also create a complex expression comprising XPath, Java and extension functions such as iib:getUserDefinedProperty("propertyname").  

You configure the expression in the Condition tab that is available in the Properties page of the transform.

For more information, see Configuring the properties of a transform, Defining an XPath conditional expression for a transform and Defining a Java conditional expression for a transform.