Transform types in the Graphical Data Mapping editor

In the Graphical Data Mapping editor, you can map elements and attributes between the input and output objects. You can apply a transform to the mapping that specifies the action to be performed on the input data. The result of the transform is stored in the output element.

The following table shows the standard mapping transforms that are provided by the Graphical Data Mapping editor:

Table 1. Core mapping transforms in the Graphical Data Mapping editor:
Transform Description
Assign Sets a value in the output element. There is no input element. Column values set via Assign transform will always be passed as character string.
Setting the value of a simple output element to a default or fixed value Sets a specific value type in the output element. Cast can also move and convert an input element to become a specific value type in the output element.
Concat Creates a string concatenation that allows you to retrieve data from two or more entities and link them into a single result.
Convert Copies the input element to the output element and changes the type. The transform takes a single simple input and creates a single simple output with a different type.
Create Creates an empty element, a nil element, or a simple type element by using a default value that is based on the element's type.
Custom XPath Enables you to enter any XPath expressions and built-in IBM® Integration Bus functions to be used in the transform.
Custom Java Enables you to enter your own Java code to be used in the transform.
Custom ESQL Enables you to enter your own ESQL code to be used in the transform.
Move Copies data from the input element to the output element.
Normalize Normalizes the input string by removing white space such as spaces, tabs, and returns, and moves the resulting normalized string to the output element.
Substring Extracts information as required, and moves the extracted string to the output element.
Task Describes a manual task or point of concern that might need to be reviewed or resolved before a message map can be used in your solution.
Built-in XPath transforms All XPath 2.0 functions are supported, in the form fn:<function_name>.
In addition to the core mapping transforms, several structural transforms are provided. The structural transforms control how nested elements are displayed in the Graphical Data Mapping editor, but they have no effect on the data itself. The structural transforms are described in the following table:
Table 2. Structural mapping transforms in the Graphical Data Mapping editor:
Transform Description
Append Appends occurrences of an output array in the order of the inputs.
Remove Removes an element.
For Each Iterates over an input array element (either a simple type or a complex type).
Group Takes a single input array and produces a set of nested output arrays that collate elements of the input array.
If, Else if, and Else You can control the flow of the mapping by setting conditions.
Join Joins elements from two or more inputs.
Local map Provides a hierarchical view of element transforms in the message map.
Submap References another map. It calls a map from this map file or another map file, which can be stored in a library, an application, an integration service, or an Integration project.

The following table shows the database transforms that are provided by the Graphical Data Mapping editor:

Table 3. Database transforms in the Graphical Data Mapping editor:
Transform Description
Database Routine Calls a stored procedure or user-defined function from a database.
Delete Deletes one or more rows in a database table that is matched by a Where clause.
Failure Enables the map to take-on error handling for any exceptions that are raised by the database server in a database transform, instead of having such exceptions stop the map and be reported.
Insert Inserts a row into a database table.
Return Enables extra processing after a successful Insert, Update, or Delete database operation, or Database Routine call. Provides the results from the database operation or call as inputs.
Select Retrieves data from rows in a database table, so that the data can be used as input in a message map.
Update Updates one or more rows in a database table that is matched by a Where clause with a single set of data values.
You can use Cache transforms to interact with data that is stored in a global cache. The Cache transforms are described in the following table:
Table 4. Cache transforms in the Graphical Data Mapping editor:
Transform Description
Cache Put Adds a key-value pair to a map in a global cache.
Cache Get Gets a value from a map in a global cache, by providing the key that is associated with the value.
Cache Remove Removes a key-value pair from a map in a global cache.
Cache Return Returns or transforms values if the Cache transform succeeds.
Cache Failure Returns or transforms values if the Cache transform fails.
You can use built-in IBM Integration Bus functions to retrieve Integration Bus data and perform data-type conversion and formatting. The iib: functions are described in the following table, and are available through content assist in the Custom XPath transform:
Table 5. Built-in IBM Integration Bus functions in the Graphical Data Mapping editor:
Function Description
iib:getUserDefinedProperty('property_name') Access user-defined properties from a Mapping node
iib:get<Property>Name() Access integration node properties from a Mapping node
iib:hexBinaryValue($<var> ) Convert the value to a hex binary format string
iib:base64BinaryValue( $<var> ) Convert the value to a base64 binary format string
iib:nullValue() Create a null/nil output element
iib:uuidValue() Create a new UUID value