Java Object types that are created for each schema input type

When you map an input element to a Cache Put Value parameter, the type of Java™ object that is created in the global cache is determined by the schema input.

When you map an input element to the Value parameter, you are prompted to apply a mapping cast to redefine the default xs:anySimpleType schema type to a specific schema type (see Casting elements in a message map), so that the global cache entry is created with a specific Java Object type. If you do not use a mapping cast on the Value parameter, the Java Object type that is created in the global cache might vary depending on the type of the mapped input element.
The following table details the Java Object type that is created in the global cache for each type of schema input.
Note: Regardless of the type of the input element in the Cache Put nested mapping, if the input element has a nil value and you do not specifically cast the target parameter to a concrete type, the entry that is created in the global cache is a null value.
Type of the input element that is mapped to the Cache Put Value parameter Type of Java object that is created in global cache
boolean java.lang.Boolean
byte java.lang.Byte
decimal java.math.BigDecimal
double java.lang.Double
float java.lang.Float
int java.lang.Integer
unSignedshort java.lang.Integer
integer java.lang.BigInteger
negativeInteger java.lang.BigInteger
nonNegativeInteger java.lang.BigInteger
nonPositiveInteger java.lang.BigInteger
postiveInteger java.lang.BigInteger
unsignedLong java.lang.BigInteger
long java.lang.Long
unsignedInt java.lang.Long
short java.lang.Short
unsignedByte java.lang.Short
string java.lang.String
date java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
dateTime java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
gDay java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
gMonth java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
gMonthDay java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
gYear java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
gYearMonth java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
time java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
dayTimeDuration java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
duration java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
yearMonthDuration java.lang.String (XML formatted string)
anyUri java.lang.String
base64Binary java.lang.String
hexBinary java.lang.String
normalizedString java.lang.String
qName java.lang.String