MDR and OBR Codes

The MDR codes for the 3380 are shown in the following table:

X'14' 3380 Models AA4, A04, B04, AD4, and BD4.
X'1B' 3380 Models AE4 and BE4.
X'1C' 3380 Models AD4 and BD4 with full command support provided by the system.
X'21' 3380 Models AJ4, BJ4 and CJ2 in single density mode.
X'23' 3380 Models AK4, BK4 and CJ2 with TCO (triple capacity option).
Note: See MDR Codes.

The OBR codes for the 3380 are shown in the following table:

X'200E' 3380 Models AA4, A04, B04, AD4, and BD4.
X'201E' 3380 Models AD4 and BD4 with full command support provided by the system.
X'202E' 3380 Models AE4 and BE4.
X'2021' 3380 Models AJ4, BJ4 and CJ2 in single density mode.
X'2023' 3380 Models AK4, BK4 and CJ2 with TCO (triple capacity option).
Note: See OBR Codes.