OBR Codes

This section contains tables sorted by both the OBR device class or type code (also called the OBR codes) and the device or family type to help you cross-reference OBR codes and devices.

The following table shows the OBR device class or type codes and the device type or family sorted by OBR code:

OBR code = Device Class OBR code = Device Class OBR code = Device Class OBR code = Device Class OBR code = Device Class
0801 = 2540DD
0802 = 2540DD
0803 = 1442
0804 = 2501
0805 = 2520
0806 = 3505
0807 = 3525
0808 = 1403
0809 = 3211
080A = 1443
080B = 3203
080C = 3525
080D = 3262
080E = 3800-01
080F = AFP1
0810 = 2671
0811 = 4245
0812 = 1012
0813 = 4248
0813 = 6262
0814 = 2947
0816 = 3890
0817 = 3886
0818 = 2495
0819 = 3895
081A = 1285
081B = 1287
081C = 1288
081D = 1419
081E = 1419
081F = 1275
0820 = 1052
0821 = 2150
0822 = 3210
0823 = 3215
0824 = 2956
0825 = 2956
0826 = 2956
0827 = 2956
0828 = 2956
0829 = 1419
082A = 1275
082B = 1275
082C = 1275
082D = 1419
082E = 1419
082F = 2495
0830 = 3213
0831 = 1017
0832 = 1018
0833 = 3210
0834 = 3215
0835 = 1255
0836 = 1255
0837 = 1270
0838 = 1270
0839 = 2596
083A = SWCH
083D = 7443
0840 = 3890
0841 = 3886
0842 = 3850
0844 = 3540
0846 = 2560
0847 = 3504
0848 = 5425
0849 = 3203
084C = 3838
084D = 5203
084E = 5203
0880 = 5424
0882 = 3848
08A0 = 3800-03
1001 = 1015
1002 = 2250
1003 = 226D
1004 = 105D
1005 = 2280
1006 = 2282
1007 = 3278
1008 = 3066
1009 = 327D
100A = 3284
100B = 3286
100C = 3158
100D = 3036
100E = 3138
100F = 3148
1013 = 5080
1014 = BA00
2001 = 2311
2002 = 2301
2003 = 2303
2005 = 2321
2006 = 2305
2007 = 2305
2008 = 2314
2009 = 3330
200A = 3340
200B = 3350
200C = 3375
200D = 3330
200E = 3380-A,B
201E = 3380-D
2021 = 3380-J
2023 = 3380-K
2024 = 3390-03
2026 = 3390-01
2027 = 3390-02
2028 = 9345-01
2029 = 9345-02
202E = 3380-E
2031 = 3395-151
2032 = 3390-09
2033 = 9392-02
2034 = 9392-01
2035 = 2105
2036 = 3995-153
2037 = 9395-01
2038 = 9395-02
203A = 9392-03
203B = IDSK
203C = 2107
203D = 1750
2101 = 3310
2102 = 3370
2105 = 3370
2106 = 9335
2107 = 9332
2108 = 9313
2111 = 9336
2112 = 0671
2180 = 9246
2181 = 9247
2182 = 3995
2183 = 3995
4000 = 7770
4001 = 2702
4002 = 2701
4003 = 2703
4004 = 2955
4005 = 3705
4006 = 3705
4009 = 3704
400A = 3968
4011 = 2702
4013 = 2703
4014 = 7772
4015 = 3705
4021 = 2702
4022 = 2701
4023 = 2703
4025 = 3705
4031 = 2702
4032 = 2701
4033 = 2703
4035 = 3705
4041 = 2702
4042 = 2701
4043 = 2703
4045 = 1060
4051 = 2702
4052 = 2701
4053 = 2703
4061 = 2702
4062 = 2701
4063 = 2703
4071 = 2702
4072 = 2701
4073 = 2703
4081 = 2702
4082 = 2701
4083 = 2703
4091 = 2702
4092 = 2701
4093 = 2703
40F1 = 3791
4100 = CTCA
4101 = SCTC
4102 = BCTC
4105 = 0SA
4106 = OSAD
4107 = IQD
4120 = FCTC
4122 = 3995
4201 = 1030
4202 = 1050
4203 = 1060
4204 = 2740
4205 = 2740
4206 = 2741
4207 = 226T
4208 = 105T
4209 = 2760
420A = 83B3
420B = 115A
420F = 1130
4210 = 2020
4211 = 2780
4212 = 2770
4213 = 2265
4214 = 2930
4215 = 2972
4216 = 327T
4217 = 2970
4218 = 3735
4219 = 3945
421A = 2790
421B = 3670
4420 = 3700
8001 = 2400
8003 = 3400
8004 = 3420
8005 = 3410
8006 = 8809
8007 = 3430
8008 = 7340
8009 = 9347
800A = 3422
800C = 3424
800E = 9348
8080 = 3480
8081 = 3490
8083 = 3590
8084 = 3591/3490 EMU
8085 = 3590/3490 EMU
  • OBR codes are left of the equal signs; device types are right of the equal signs.
  • Some OBR codes may be used with multiple device types or models; for example: AFP1, CTCA, SWCH.

The following table shows the OBR device class or type codes (also called the OBR codes) and the device type or family sorted by device or family type:

Device/family type = OBR code
AFP1 = 080F
BA00 = 1014
BCTC = 4102
CTCA = 4100
FCTC = 4120
IDSK = 203B
IQD  = 4107
OSA  = 4105
OSAD = 4106
SCTC = 4101
SWCH = 083A

0671 = 2112
1012 = 0812
1015 = 1001
1017 = 0831
1018 = 0832
1030 = 4201
105D = 1004
105T = 4208
1050 = 4202
1052 = 0820
1060 = 4045
1060 = 4203
1130 = 420F
115A = 420B
1255 = 0835
1255 = 0836
1270 = 0837
1270 = 0838
1275 = 081F
1275 = 082A
1275 = 082B
1275 = 082C
1285 = 081A
1287 = 081B
1288 = 081C
1403 = 0808
1419 = 081D
1419 = 081E
1419 = 082D
1419 = 082E
1419 = 0829
1442 = 0803
1443 = 080A
1750 = 203D
2020 = 4210
2105 = 2035
2107 = 203C
2150 = 0821
2250 = 1002
226D = 1003
226T   = 4207
2265   = 4213
2280   = 1005
2282   = 1006
2301   = 2002
2303   = 2003
2305   = 2006
2305   = 2007
2311   = 2001
2314   = 2008
2321   = 2005
2400   = 8001
2495   = 0818
2495   = 082F
2501   = 0804
2520   = 0805
2540DD = 0801
2540DD = 0802
2560   = 0846
2596   = 0839
2671   = 0810
2701   = 4002
2701   = 4022
2701   = 4032
2701   = 4042
2701   = 4052
2701   = 4062
2701   = 4072
2701   = 4082
2701   = 4092
2702   = 4001
2702   = 4011
2702   = 4021
2702   = 4031
2702   = 4041
2702   = 4051
2702   = 4061
2702   = 4071
2702   = 4081
2702   = 4091
2703   = 4003
2703   = 4013
2703   = 4023
2703   = 4033
2703 = 4043
2703 = 4053
2703 = 4063
2703 = 4073
2703 = 4083
2703 = 4093
2740 = 4204
2740 = 4205
2741 = 4206
2760 = 4209
2770 = 4212
2780 = 4211
2790 = 421A
2930 = 4214
2947 = 0814
2955 = 4004
2956 = 0824
2956 = 0825
2956 = 0826
2956 = 0827
2956 = 0828
2970 = 4217
2972 = 4215
3036 = 100D
3066 = 1008
3138 = 100E
3148 = 100F
3158 = 100C
3203 = 0849
3203 = 080B
3210 = 0822
3210 = 0833
3211 = 0809
3213 = 0830
3215 = 0823
3215 = 0834
3262 = 080D
327D = 1009
327T = 4216
3278 = 1007
3284 = 100A
3286 = 100B
3310 = 2101
3330    = 2009
3330    = 200D
3340    = 200A
3350    = 200B
3370    = 2102
3370    = 2105
3375    = 200C
3380-A,B= 200E
3380-D  = 201E
3380-J  = 2021
3380-K  = 2023
3380-E  = 202E
3390-01 = 2026
3390-02 = 2027
3390-03 = 2024
3390-09 = 2032
3400    = 8003
3410    = 8005
3420    = 8004
3422    = 800A
3424    = 800C
3430    = 8007
3480    = 8080
3490    = 8081
3504    = 0847
3505    = 0806
3525    = 0807
3525    = 080C
3540    = 0844
3590    = 8083
3590    = 8085
3591    = 8084
3670    = 421B
3700    = 4420
3704    = 4009
3705    = 4005
3705    = 4006
3705    = 4015
3705    = 4025
3705    = 4035
3735    = 4218
3791    = 40F1
3800-01 = 080E
3800-03 = 08A0
3838    = 084C
3848    = 0882
3850    = 0842
3886    = 0817
3886    = 0841
3890    = 0816
3890    = 0840
3895    = 0819
3945    = 4219
3968    = 400A
3995    = 2031
3995    = 2036
3995    = 2182
3995    = 2183
3995    = 4122
4245    = 0811
4248    = 0813
5080    = 1013
5203    = 084D
5203    = 084E
5424    = 0880
5425    = 0848
6262    = 0813
7340    = 8008
7443    = 083D
7770    = 4000
7772    = 4014
83B3    = 420A
8809    = 8006
9246    = 2180
9247    = 2181
9313    = 2108
9332    = 2107
9335    = 2106
9336    = 2111
9345-01 = 2028
9345-02 = 2029
9347    = 8009
9348    = 800E
9392-01 = 2034
9392-02 = 2033
9392-03 = 203A
9395    = 2037
9395    = 2038
  • Device types are left of the equal signs; OBR codes are right of the equal signs.
  • Some OBR codes may be used with multiple device types or models; for example: AFP1, CTCA, SWCH.