Defining DASD volumes to a dummy storage group

To add DASD volumes to the dummy storage group, supply values on the Storage Group Volume Selection panel:

  1. Select option 2, Define.
  2. Specify the volume serial numbers in the Specify a Single Volume (in Prefix) or Range of Volumes field.

You can specify a single volume serial number by typing the number under Prefix. The value can be from one to six characters, but it must be a fully specified volume serial number. You can specify a range of volume serial numbers by typing the prefix or suffix that is common to a set of volumes under Prefix or Suffix, the low individual volume number under From, and the high individual volume number under To.

You can specify an X under Type to include hexadecimal values in your range or an A under Type to include alphabetic values in your range. If you leave the Type field blank, only decimal values will be used in your range.
  1. The number of characters in the FROM and TO fields must be the same.
  2. If TYPE is A, only one character is allowed in the FROM and TO fields
  3. The value of the FROM field must be less than or equal to the value of the TO field.

For example, in Figure 1, volume numbers SYS001 through SYS077 are specified on the first volume specification line (only decimal numbers will be used in the range). Volume number DFPIP1 is specified on the second line. Volume numbers SYS25A through SYS30A, including SYS2AA through SYS2FA, are specified on the third line. Volume numbers NVOL through PVOL are specified on the fourth line, which specifies alphabetic values. You can add as many as a hundred volume serial numbers at a time to a pool storage group this way.

Figure 1. Defining Dummy Storage Group Volume Serial Numbers
   Panel  Utilities  Help                                                      
                         STORAGE GROUP VOLUME SELECTION                        
 Command ===>                                                                  
 CDS Name  . . . . . : SMS.SCDS1.SCDS
 Storage Group Name  : DUMMY1
 Storage Group Type  : DUMMY
 Select One of the following Options:                                          
   2  1. Display - Display SMS Volume Statuses (Pool & Copy Pool Backup only)  
      2. Define  - Add Volumes to Volume Serial Number List                    
      3. Alter   - Alter Volume Statuses (Pool & Copy Pool Backup only)        
      4. Delete  - Delete Volumes from Volume Serial Number List               
 Specify a Single Volume (in Prefix), or Range of Volumes:                     
       Prefix   From     To    Suffix  Type                                    
       ______  ______  ______  _____    _                                      
  ===> SYS     001     077                                                 
  ===> DFPIP1                                                                  
  ===> SYS     25      30      A        X                                      
  ===>         N       P       VOL      A                                      
 Use ENTER to Perform Selection;                                               
 Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Exit. 

After you specify volume serial numbers, press Enter to add the DASD volumes to the dummy storage group. Define any additional volume serial numbers, then use END to return to the Storage Group Application Selection panel. If any volumes cannot be added, a list of the volumes that could not be added is displayed.

When adding a new volume serial number (volser), you must make sure that all volsers defined in the volume list are unique. ISMF verification only verifies that all volsers are unique within the same dummy or pool storage group. No attempts are made to verify the device types of each volume. Therefore, if a library volser is duplicated in a dummy or pool storage group, this error is not detected until a request is issued to mount this volser.