Defining a dummy storage group

Perform the following steps to define a dummy storage group.

  1. Specify DUMMY for storage group type on the Storage Group Application Selection panel, as explained in Defining storage group attributes. This causes the Dummy Storage Group Define panel to be displayed.


  2. Supply a description on the Dummy Storage Group Define panel, if desired. The description is optional. It can be up to 120 characters. The SCDS Name and Storage Group Name are output fields containing the SCDS and storage group names that you specified in the Storage Group Application Selection panel.


  3. Use the END command to save the newly defined dummy storage group and return to the Storage Group Application Selection panel.


  4. Select option 5, Volume, on the Storage Group Application Selection panel to display the Storage Group Volume Selection panel, where you can add volume serial numbers to the storage group. (Initially, the storage group contains no volume serial numbers.)

    ISMF primes the other fields on the Storage Group Application Selection panel with the most recently specified values. You do not need to specify a Storage Group Type.


  5. Supply values on the Storage Group Volume Selection panel to define volume serial numbers to the dummy storage group. For more information, see Defining DASD volumes to a dummy storage group.