Depending on the JCL used, the system directs a dump to the SYSUDUMP, SYSABEND, or SYSMDUMP data set. If the system did not produce a dump, you might need to recreate the failure and obtain one. For information about obtaining a dump, see z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids.

Note: SYSUDUMP data sets usually do not contain enough information to be useful in diagnosing a failure.

  1. Obtain a system storage dump that contains the user's program.
  2. Determine the system abend code by using either:
    • The job-related information about the abend in the job log.

      This information includes the abend code, PSW contents, and general-purpose register contents. The abend code is 3 characters long. To obtain the job log, you must specify the JCL parameter MSGLEVEL=(1,1) on your JCL JOB card.

    • The system storage dump.
      • Locate the formatted section at the beginning of the dump. Determine the abending job by locating the job whose abend code field (TCBCMP at TCB + X'11') contains a nonzero value.
      • The field is only 3 characters long. Ignore the first (left-most) byte. If the abend code appears in the first 12 bits following the first byte, it is a system abend code. If it appears in the next 12 bits, it is a user abend code, and the value must be converted to decimal.

        For more information on dump documentation and analysis, see z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids.

  3. When you determine the ABEND CODE, continue with Building the Abend keyword.