Building the Abend keyword

To build the abend keyword, do the following:

  1. Use the ABEND CODE that you have extracted from the system-produced documentation.
    System abends are expressed in hexadecimal; user abends are expressed in decimal.
    • For a system abend, append the 3-character code to the keyword prefix ABEND.
      Example: If the abend code is 0C4, specify the abend type-of-failure keyword as follows:
    • For a user abend, append the 4-digit code to the keyword prefix ABENDU.
      Example: If the abend code is 0222, specify the abend type-of-failure keyword as follows:
  2. If a message containing a return code accompanies the abend, include the return code in your keyword string as a modifier keyword. Append the code (specified exactly as it appears in the message) to the keyword prefix RC.
    Example: If the return code is 04, specify the keyword string as follows:
    ABEND0C4 RC04

    Tip: If the z/OS MVS System Codes description of the abend code indicates a return code and the reason code is associated with the abend, including both the return code and the reason code in your keyword string could restrict the scope of a software database search that results in no matches.

  3. If the z/OS MVS System Codes description of the abend code indicates a reason code is associated with the abend, include the reason code in your keyword string as a modifier keyword. Append the code (specified exactly as it appears in the register) to the keyword prefix RSN.
    Example: If the abend code is X'0F4', then the reason code is found in general register 0. If the reason code is 0409F023, specify the keyword string as follows:
    ABEND0F4 RSN0409F023
  4. See Module keyword (directly to the subcomponent-specific section, if one exists).