Starting tape recycle

You can use the F OAM,START,RECYCLE command to automatically select full tape volumes based on user defined specifications as recycle candidates, and initiate MOVEVOL with RECYCLE option for those volumes.

The command is as follows:
It displays a list of candidate volumes that meet your criteria to the hardcopy log, and in turn, if DISPLAY is not specified, automatically selects recycle candidate volumes and initiates the MOVEVOL with RECYCLE process on those candidates until the limit you specified is reached or no more volumes meeting criteria are available.

You can also issue the F OAM,START,RECYCLE command with the DISPLAY option, which lists in the hardcopy log, the recycle candidate volumes that meet your specified criteria without initiating TAPE RECYCLE processing.


For more information about enabling and managing the TAPE RECYCLE function, and specifying the criteria for candidate volume selection , see SETOAM keyword definitions for global level.