Using the Move Volume utility

OAM provides a utility, the Move Volume utility (MOVEVOL), capable of moving objects from a primary or backup source volume (a tape volume or one side of an optical disk) to one or more target volumes, or deleting scratch tape volumes from the OAM tape inventory and specifying a scratch volume with the delete option specified. The set of eligible target volumes is determined by the drives eligible to write data into the Object or Object Backup storage group containing the source volume. The set of drives eligible to write data into the storage group containing the source volume is defined by the SMS storage group definition and the corresponding SETOAM statement if it exists.

If the source volume is an optical volume belonging to an Object storage group, the target volumes are optical volumes belonging to the same storage group. If no optical drives are available to write to the Object storage group to which the optical source volume belongs, the MOVEVOL request fails.

If the source volume is a tape volume belonging to an Object storage group, the target volumes are tape volumes belonging to the same storage group. If there is not a valid tape unit name associated with the Object storage group to which the tape source volume belongs, the MOVEVOL request fails.

If the source volume is either an optical or a tape volume belonging to the Object Backup storage group, the type of media used for writing the objects is derived from the definition of the Object Backup storage group. For example, if there is a valid SETOAM statement for the Object Backup storage group to which the source volume belongs, the target volumes chosen are tape volumes. If there is no valid SETOAM statement for the Object Backup storage group belonging to the source volume, the target volumes chosen are optical disk volumes.

The Move Volume utility performs the following functions:
The Move Volume utility enables you to migrate object data in the Object storage group from the following:
The Move Volume utility enables you to migrate object data in the Object Backup storage group from the following:
The Move Volume utility enables you to migrate objects from tape sublevel 1 source volumes to tape sublevel 1 target volumes, and objects from tape sublevel 2 source volumes to tape sublevel 2 target volumes.
Note: MOVEVOL cannot be used to move objects from tape sublevel 1 volumes to tape sublevel 2 volumes, or from tape sublevel 2 volumes to tape sublevel 1 volumes. For example, to change an object’s residence from a tape sublevel 1 volume to a tape sublevel 2 volume, change the object's storage class and start an OSMC cycle to affect the transition to another media type.

The intent of the utility is to facilitate migration from "older" technology media to "newer" technology media (for example, from 12-inch media to 5.25-inch media). However, because the set of drives eligible to write data is defined by the definition of the storage group, the following examples of data movement in Table 1 are also valid.

Table 1. Examples of data movement with the Move Volume utility
Scenario Move from Move to
Movement from one optical media type to another optical media type

single-density WORM
single-density REWR
double-density WORM
double-density REWR
quad-density WORM
quad-density REWR
8x-density WORM
8x-density REWR

single-density WORM
single-density REWR
double-density WORM
double-density REWR
quad-density WORM
quad-density REWR
8x-density WORM
8x-density REWR

Movement from one tape media type to another tape media type

Cartridge System Tape
Enhanced Capacity
High Performance
Extended High Performance
Enterprise Tape Cartridge

Cartridge System Tape
Enhanced Capacity
High Performance
Extended High Performance
Enterprise Tape Cartridge

Movement from any optical media type to a tape volume belonging to the Object Backup storage group

single-density WORM
single-density REWR
double-density WORM
double-density REWR
quad-density WORM
quad-density REWR
8x-density WORM
8x-density REWR

Cartridge System Tape
Enhanced Capacity
High Performance
Extended High Performance
Enterprise Tape Cartridge

Movement from any tape media type to optical media type belonging to the Object Backup storage group

Cartridge System Tape
Enhanced Capacity
High Performance
Extended High Performance
Enterprise Tape Cartridge

single-density WORM
single-density REWR
double-density WORM
double-density REWR
quad-density WORM
quad-density REWR
8x-density WORM
8x-density REWR

  1. WORM = write-once-read-many
  2. REWR = rewritable

Once the data is successfully moved from the source volume, the data is no longer accessible from the original source volume.

Recommendation: If the intent is to migrate from one tape media type to another tape media type (for example, from IBM Cartridge System Tape to IBM Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape), it might be necessary to modify tape volume records in the DB2 TAPEVOL table (see Updating fields in the DB2 Volume Table and the Tape Volume Table). If you change the TAPEUNITNAME on the SETOAM statement that assigns the storage group, OAM recognizes the change; however, OAM only uses it for new scratch allocations. If there are available usable tape volumes that belong to this storage group (the storage group to which the source volume belongs), OAM continues to use these volumes until they are all full. In order to force writes to go to a new media type (honoring the changed TAPEUNITNAME), any available usable volumes in that storage group must be either marked not writable or marked full with their percent full set to 100. This causes OAM to believe that the storage group is out of space and to request a scratch allocation using the new SETOAM TAPEUNITNAME specified for that group.