Changes made in z/OSMF Version 2 Release 1, SA32-1066-04

This document contains information that was previously presented in IBM z/OS Management Facility Programming Guide, SA32-1066-03, which supported IBM® z/OS® Management Facility Version 2 Release 1. This document contains new or revised information for APAR PI40364.

New information

New functionality is available for z/OSMF V2R1 when you install APAR PI40364. For instructions on installing this service on your system, check the ++HOLD actions for the associated program temporary fix (PTF).

New Representational State Transfer (REST) services are added to route requests and responses between the client-side and server-side code for any z/OSMF plug-ins you created where the server-side code is hosted on an application server (referred to as the target application server) other than the z/OSMF server. The new services allow a caller to:
  • Retrieve data from the target application server.
  • Update data on the target application server.
  • Delete data from the target application server.
For more information, see Application server routing services.
New elements in the Workflows XML schema provide additional capabilities, as follows:
  • With the exposeToUser (<exposeToUser>) element, you can include variables in the List variables for substitution window of the Workflows task. Doing so allows users to select the variables for use in the JOB statement for a job.
  • With the predefinedVariable (<predefinedVariable>) element, you can specify one or more predefined variables for a step.

For more information, see Using variables in template steps.

With the _output variable, you can create step-specific values in a step that creates an output file. For more information, see Create step-specific values with the _output variable.

Changed information

When using the multisystem routing services, if the value for a parameter contains a number sign (#), encode the number sign as %23. Otherwise, everything following the number sign will be omitted from the request. For example, if the target is System#1, specify System%231.

For more information, see Multisystem routing services.

Workflow authors can include larger programs of up to ten thousand (10000) lines of code in steps that run JCL jobs, REXX execs, or UNIX shell scripts. Previously, workflow steps were limited to programs of one thousand (1000) lines of code.

For more information, see Template steps.