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Construct a WLM service definition with remove and install

Use this operation to construct a new service definition by removing the classification rule, then installing the new service definition.

HTTP method and URI path

PUT /zosmf/zwlm/rest/policy/inspolicy

Query parameters



This operation constructs a new service definition by removing the classification rule, then installing the new service definition.

On successful completion, a response body that describes the request is returned.

For the properties that you can specify on the request body, see Request content.

For a description of the response content, see Response content.

Request content

The request content is expected to contain a JSON object. See Table 1 for a description of the fields.

Table 1. Request content for the construct a WLM service definition request
Field name Required or Optional Description
cloud-info Required Specifies cloud-related attributes:
Identifier of the WLM resource pool
deprovision-data Required Specifies the attributes of the WLM service definition:
Array of attributes, in the form "attribute-name":"value", for example:

Authorization requirements

See Required authorizations.

HTTP status codes

For a successful request, the response body is provided, as described in Request content.

For a list of status codes, see Error handling.

Response content

On successful completion, the service returns a response body, which contains a JSON object. For a description of fields in the JSON object, see Table 2.

Table 2. Response content for a successful construct a WLM service definition request
Field name Description
state State of the request.
messages Message issued for the request.

Example HTTP interactions

  1. The example in Figure 1 shows a request to construct a service definition by removing the classification rule, then installing the new service definition.
    Figure 1. Sample request to construct a service definition by removing the classification rule, then installing the new service definition
    PUT  https://host:port/zosmf/zwlm/rest/policy/inspolicy
    {   “cloud-info”: {         
                                                  { “cl-rule-id”:”1090f34e-0a5a-4506-b553-91e932a46f3e”}

    The following is the response body for the request.

    Figure 2. Sample response body

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