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WLM resource pooling services

The WLM resource pooling services are an application programming interface (API), which is implemented through industry standard Representational State Transfer (REST) services. The WLM resource pooling services provide a programming interface for WLM policy elements. You can work with WLM policy elements in the context of IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS.

With the WLM resource pooling services, you can provision and deprovision WLM policy elements, dynamically construct a new service definition, and install the service definition.

Table 1 lists the operations that the WLM resource pooling services provide.
Table 1. Operations provided through the WLM resource pooling services.
Operation HTTP method and URI path
Prime a WLM resource pool
POST /zosmf/zwlm/rest/wrps
Delete a WLM resource pool
DELETE /zosmf/zwlm/rest/wrps/wrpid
Construct a WLM service definition
PUT /zosmf/zwlm/rest/policy/inspolicy
Construct a WLM service definition with remove and install
PUT /zosmf/zwlm/rest/policy/inspolicy

Required authorizations

The user’s z/OS user ID must have READ access to the following resource profile in the ZMFAPLA class: <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.RESOURCE_POOL.WLM.domainid, where domainid is the identifier of the domain of systems.

Error handling

For errors that occur during the processing of a request, the API returns an appropriate HTTP status code to the calling client. An error is indicated by a 4nn code or a 5nn code. The HTTP status codes are described in the topics for the individual services.

In addition, some errors might also include a returned JSON object that contains a message that describes the error. You can use this information to diagnose the error or provide it to IBM Support, if required.

The following HTTP status codes are valid:
Request was processed successfully.
HTTP 204 No Content
Request was processed successfully.
HTTP 400 Bad request
Request could not be processed because it contains a syntax error or an incorrect parameter.
HTTP 401 Unauthorized
Request could not be processed because the client is not authorized. This status is returned if the request contained an incorrect user ID or password, or both, or the client did not authenticate to z/OSMF.
HTTP 500 Internal server error
Server encountered an error. See the response body for a JSON object with information about the error.

Error logging

Errors from the WLM resource pooling services are logged in the z/OSMF log. You can use this information to diagnose the problem or provide it to IBM® Support, if required.

For information about working with z/OSMF log files, see IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.

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