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Create z/OS UNIX zFS Filesystem

You can use this operation to create a z/OS UNIX zFS Filesystem.

HTTP method and URI path

POST /zosmf/restfiles/mfs/zfs/<file-system-name>
  • /zosmf/restfiles specifies the z/OS® data set and file REST interface
  • /mfs/zfs a Unix System Services filesystem request for a zFS aggregate. <file-system-name> is the filesystem (for zFS, the aggregate name) of the file system to be created. This is also the VSAM linear data set name.
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Optional Query Parameters

The number of seconds to wait for the "zfsadm format" command to complete before timing out with Category/RC/REAS = 1/8/9 "Command timed out". The default if not specified is 20 seconds. If a greater value is used, the "X-IBM-Async-Threshold" header should be used to allow the application process long running transactions.
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Input Content

Input content is a json document:
Table 1. Input Content
Property Description
owner Defaults to 755. This property is not required.
group Defaults to 755. This property is not required.
perms Defaults to 755. This property is not required.
cylsPri Defaults to 0. This property is required.
cylsSec Defaults to 0. This property is not required.
storageClass This property is not required.
managementClass This property is not required.
dataClass This property is not required.
volumes This property is not required.
JSONversion:1 This property is not required.

Required authorizations

See Required authorizations.

Expected response

On completion, the service returns an HTTP response, which includes a status code indicating whether your request completed. Status code 201 OK indicates success. A status code of 4nn or 5nn indicates that an error has occurred. For more details, see Error handling.

For errors, the HTTP response includes error information as a JSON error report document. See Error report document.


Refer to Figure 1 for an example of creating UNIX Filesystems.
Figure 1. Create UNIX Filesystems
	Content-Type: application/json
	Content-Length: 86
		"cylsSec": 10,
		"volumes": [ "ZFS001", "ZFS002"],

201 Created


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