JSON document specifications for z/OS data set and file REST interface requests

This section describes the contents of the JSON documents that are used with z/OS® data set and file REST interface requests.

Data set list document

Table 1 shows the contents of the JSON data set list document.

For more information about these properties, see the dialog variables for the YES|NO|PRT parameter of LMDLIST (list data sets) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 1. Contents of the JSON data set list document
Property Description Start of changeRequiredEnd of change
items Start of changeAn array where each element contains the following key:value pairsEnd of change Yes
Start of changedsnameEnd of change Start of changeData set name.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Start of changeTrue, if more rows are available to return.End of change No
totalRows Start of changeTotal number of data sets found matching the dslevel and volser criteria. If you specify ",total" as suffix in X-IBM-Attributes header, like "dsname,total", or "base,total", or "vol,total".End of change No
Start of changeJSONversionEnd of change Start of changeVersion number of this JSON document.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
vol Volume serial No
used Percentage of used tracks or pages (PDSE) No
extx Number of extents used, long format (5 bytes) No
cdate Creation date No
edate Expiration date No
rdate Date last referenced No
migr Whether the data set is migrated (YES or NO) based on the value of the VOLUME_OF_MIGRATED_DATA_SETS keyword in the ISPF configuration table. If the volume name of the data set matches the value of VOLUME_OF_MIGRATED_DATA_SETS, ZDLMIGR is set to YES, otherwise it is set to NO. No
dsntp Dsname type (PDS, LIBRARY, or ’ ’) No
spacu Space units No
mvol Whether the data set is multivolume (Y) or not (N) No
ovf Space overflow indicator (YES or NO) No
dsorg Data set organization No
recfm Record format No
lrecl Logical record length No
blksz Block size No
sizex Data set size in tracks, long format (12 bytes) Start of changeNoEnd of change
Start of changecatnmEnd of change Start of changeName of the catalog where the data set is locatedEnd of change Start of changeStart of changeNoEnd of changeEnd of change
Start of changedevEnd of change Start of changeDevice typeEnd of change Start of changeStart of changeN0End of changeEnd of change
Start of change

Data set list with attributes document

Data set list with attributes document shows the attributes of the JSON data set list document.

For more information about these properties, see the dialog variables for the YES|NO|PRT parameter of LMDLIST (list data sets) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 2. X-IBM-Attributes=vol
Property Description Start of changeRequiredEnd of change
items An array where each element contains the following key:value pairs
Data set name.
Volume in which the data set resides.
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Start of changeTrue, if more rows are available to return.End of change No
totalRows Start of changeTotal number of data sets found matching the dslevel and volser criteria. If you specify ",total" as suffix in X-IBM-Attributes header, like "dsname,total", or "base,total", or "vol,total".End of change No
Start of changeJSONversionEnd of change Start of changeVersion number of this JSON document.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
Start of change
Table 3. X-IBM-Attributes=dsname
Property Description Start of changeRequiredEnd of change
items An array where each element contains the following key:value pairs
Data set name.
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Optional property; set to true when more rows can be returned. No
totalRows Total number of rows that match the request. No
Start of changeJSONversionEnd of change Start of changeVersion number of this JSON document.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
End of change
Start of change
Table 4. X-IBM-Attributes=base
Property Description Start of changeRequiredEnd of change
items An array where each element contains the following key:value pairs Table 5 Yes
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Start of changeTrue, if more rows are available to return.End of change No
totalRows Start of changeTotal number of data sets found matching the dslevel and volser criteria. If you specify ",total" as suffix in X-IBM-Attributes header, like "dsname,total", or "base,total", or "vol,total".End of change No
Start of changeJSONversionEnd of change Start of changeVersion number of this JSON document.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
End of change
Start of change
Table 5. Items key:value pairs
Property Description Required
dsname Data set name. Yes
blksz Block size. No
catnm Name of the catalog in which the data set was located. No
cdate Creation date. No
dev Device type. No
dsntp Start of changePercentage of used tracks or pages(PDSE).End of change No
dsorg Data set organization. No
edate Expiration date. No
extx Number of extents used, long format (5 bytes). No
lrecl Logical record length. No
migr Whether the data set is migrated (YES or NO) based on the value of the VOLUME_OF_MIGRATED_DATA_SETS keyword in the ISPF configuration table. If the volume name of the data set matches the value of VOLUME_OF_MIGRATED_DATA_SETS, ZDLMIGR is set to YES, otherwise it is set to NO. No
mvol Whether the data set is multivolume (Y) or not (N). No
ovf Space overflow indicator (YES or NO). No
rdate Date last referenced. No
recfm Record format. No
sizex Data set size in tracks, long format (12 bytes). No
spacu Space units. No
used Percentage of used tracks or pages (PDSE). No
vol Volume serial. No
End of change
End of change
Start of change

PDS/PDSE member list with attributes document

Contents of the JSON PDS/PDSE member list document shows the contents of the JSON member list document.

For more information about these properties, see the dialog variables for the YES|NO parameter description of LMMFIND (find a library member) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 6. Contents of the JSON PDS/PDSE member list document
Property Description Start of changeRequiredEnd of change
items Start of changeAn array where each element contains the following key:value pairsEnd of change
Member name
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Start of changeTrue, if more rows are available to return.End of change No
totalRows Start of changeTotal number of data sets found matching the dslevel and volser criteria. If you specify ",total" as suffix in X-IBM-Attributes header, like "dsname,total", or "base,total", or "vol,total".End of change No
Start of changeJSONversionEnd of change Start of changeVersion number of this JSON document.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
Start of change
Table 7. X-IBM-Attributes=base and data set RECFM=F or V
Property Description Start of changeRequiredEnd of change
items An array where each element contains the following key:value pairs. See Table 8. Yes
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Start of changeTrue, if more rows are available to return.End of change No
totalRows Start of changeTotal number of data sets found matching the dslevel and volser criteria. If you specify ",total" as suffix in X-IBM-Attributes header, like "dsname,total", or "base,total", or "vol,total".End of change No
Start of changeJSONversionEnd of change Start of changeVersion number of this JSON document.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
End of change
Table 8. Items key:value pairs for data set RECFM=F or V
Property Description Required
member member name. Yes
vers Version number; a number from 1 to 99. No
mod Modification level; a number from 0 to 99. No
c4date Creation date in 4-character year format No
m4date Last change date in 4-character year format No
cnorc Current number of records; a number from 0 to 65 535. No
inorc Beginning number of records; a number from 0 to 65 535. No
mnorc Number of changed records; a number from 0 to 65 535. No
mtime Last change time; a character value in the format hh:mm. No
msec Seconds value of the last change time. This is a two character field. No
user User ID of last user to change the given member; an alphanumeric field with a maximum length of 7 characters. No
sclm Indicates whether the member was last modified by SCLM or ISPF. A value of Y indicates the last update was made through SCLM. A value of N indicates that the last update was made. No
Start of change
Table 9. X-IBM-Attributes=base and data set RECFM=U
Property Description Start of changeRequiredEnd of change
items An array where each element contains the following key:value pairs. See Table 10. Yes
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Start of changeTrue, if more rows are available to return.End of change No
totalRows Start of changeTotal number of data sets found matching the dslevel and volser criteria. If you specify ",total" as suffix in X-IBM-Attributes header, like "dsname,total", or "base,total", or "vol,total".End of change No
Start of changeJSONversionEnd of change Start of changeVersion number of this JSON document.End of change Start of changeYesEnd of change
End of change
Table 10. Items key:value pairs for data set RECFM=U
Property Description Required
member member name. Yes
ac A 2-character field containing the authorization code of the member. No
alias-of An 8-character field containing the name of the real member that this member is an alias of. If the member is not an alias this field is blank. No
amode A 3-character field containing the AMODE of the member. No

A 20-character field containing the load module attributes. The attributes are 2-character strings separated by blanks. These strings can appear in the attribute string: NX Not executable

OL Only Loadable

OV Overlay

RF Refreshable

RN Reentrant

RU Reusable

SC Scatter Load

TS Test

rmode A 3-character field containing the RMODE of the member. No
size An 8-character field containing the load module size in hex. No
ttr A 6-character field containing the TTR of the member. No
ssi An 8-character field containing the SSI information for a load module. No
End of change
Start of change

Create a sequential and partitioned data set document

Table 11shows the contents of the JSON sequential and partitioned data set document.

For more information about these properties, see the dialog variables for the YES|NO parameter description of LMMFIND (find a library member) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 11. Contents of the create a sequential and partitioned data set document
Property Description Required
volser Volume serial number of the device a data set will reside on. No
unit Unit name of the device that the data set will reside on. No
dsorg Unit name of the device that the data set will reside on. No
alcunit Unit of space allocation. No
Start of changeprimaryEnd of change Start of changePrimary space allocation for the data set.End of change Start of changeNoEnd of change
secondary Secondary space allocation for the data set. No
dirblk Number of directory blocks for a partitioned data set. No
avgblk Specifies the unit of space allocations to be blocks and sets the average block length. No
recfm Record format of a data set:

Current support:

F: fixed

V: variable

U: undefined

B: block

FB: fixed blocked

VB: variable blocked

blksize Block size of the data set. No
lrecl Record length of data set. No
storclass Specifies the storage class of system managed storage. No
mgntclass Specifies the management class of the data set. No
dataclass Specifies the data class of the data set. No
End of change

File list document

Table 12 shows the contents of the JSON file list document for UNIX files.

For more information about these properties, see the column-list parameter of the DIRLIST (directory list service) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 12. Contents of the JSON file list document
Property Description
items JSON array of member entries containing the properties that follow in the remainder of this table.
filename File name
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request.
moreRows Optional property; set to true when more rows can be returned.
totalRows Total number of rows that match the request.
Start of change

Unix file and directory list with attributes document

Contents of the unix file and directory shows the contents of the JSON file list document for UNIX files.

For more information about these properties, see the column-list parameter of the DIRLIST (directory list service) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 13. Contents of the unix file and directory
Property Description Required
items An array where each element contains the following key:value pairs. See Unix items key:value pairs. Yes
returnedRows Number of rows that were returned for this request. Yes
moreRows Start of changeTrue, if more rows are available to return.End of change No
totalRows Start of changeTotal number of data sets found matching the dslevel and volser criteria. If you specify ",total" as suffix in X-IBM-Attributes header, like "dsname,total", or "base,total", or "vol,total".End of change Yes
JSONversion Version number of this JSON document Yes
Table 14. Unix items key:value pairs
Property Description Required
name File or directory name. Yes
mode indicating the permissions. No
size For regular files, the file's size in bytes. For other kinds of files, the value of this field is unspecified. No
uid The numeric user ID (UID) of the file's owner. No
user The user name of the file's owner got by UID. No
gid The numeric group ID (GID) of the file's group. No
group The group name of the file's group got by GID. No
mtime The most recent time the contents of the file were changed. No
target If the file is synlink, this indicates the really file/directory No
End of change
Start of change

Mount and unmount a file system document

Contents of the Mount and unmount a file system document shows the contents of the JSON file list document for UNIX files.

For more information about these properties, see the column-list parameter of the DIRLIST (directory list service) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 15. Contents of the Mount and unmount a file system document
Property Description Required
action Current support value:

mount: you are going to mount an UNIX file system on the specified directory.

unmount: you are going to unmount a specified directory.

mount-point Specify the mount point you are going to mount/unmount, generally, it is directory. No
fs-type Specify the file system type you are going to mount, --the name must match the TYPE aperand on a FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member for the file system.

For the mount action, this is required; but it is not required for the unmount action.

mode Specify the mode you intend to mount the file system:

Support Value:

rdonly: read only

rdwr: read write --all the values are case insensitive

End of change
Start of change

Create a UNIX file document

Contents of the create a UNIX file document shows the contents of the JSON file list document for UNIX files.

For more information about these properties, see the column-list parameter of the DIRLIST (directory list service) in z/OS ISPF Services Guide, SC34-4819.

Table 16. Contents of the create a UNIX file document
Property Description Required

The request type, support value:

directory or dir: you are going to create a directory.

file: you are going to create a file.


The mode specifies the file/directory permission bits to be used in creating the file/directory.


The 9 characters are in three groups of 3; they describe the permissions on the file. The first group of 3 describes owner permissions; the second describes group permissions; the third describes other (or “world”) permissions. Characters that might appear are:

r: Permission to read the file

w: Permission to write on the file

x: Permission to execute the file

-: No such a permission

End of change

Error report document

Table 17 shows the contents of the JSON error report document for z/OS data set and file REST interface requests.

Table 17. Contents of the JSON error report document
Property Description
category Error category. This field is integer data type.
rc Return code. This field is integer data type.
reason Reason code. This field is integer data type.
message Message that describes the error.
details (optional) Array of strings containing additional message details.
stack Stack trace of the exception.

For the meanings of the category, rc, and reason fields, see Error reporting categories.