Setup considerations for log snapshots

Enabling your z/OS® system for the Incident Log plug-in requires customization of the z/OS host system.

The Incident Log task can work with incident data from throughout your sysplex, or from just the system on which z/OSMF is installed. Your installation should determine the scope of incident related data collection, or log snapshots, to be used for the Incident Log task. To obtain the most benefit from the Incident Log task, it is recommended that your installation enable log snapshots on a sysplex-wide basis. If you cannot do so, however, z/OSMF is ready to work with incident data from a single system.

This section describes the system setup to be completed, based on the scope of data collection that you require.
  • When message data is collected on a sysplex-wide basis, z/OSMF uses the operations log (OPERLOG) as the source for message data. This processing requires the following system setup:

    If you do not enable message data collection on a sysplex wide basis, z/OSMF collects message data for the z/OS host system only, using the system log (SYSLOG) as the source for creating diagnostic snapshots. See Enabling SYSLOG for diagnostic snapshots.

  • When error log data is collected on a sysplex-wide basis, z/OSMF uses the logrec log stream as the source for error data. This processing requires that you set up system logger so that logrec data is written to a logger log stream. See Defining and activating the LOGREC log stream.

    If you do not enable error log data collection on a sysplex wide basis, z/OSMF collects error log data for the z/OS host system only, using the logrec data set as the source for logrec data.