Subtype 2

Subtype 2 of record type 113 contains hardware data event counters for IBM® System z10™ or later CPCs. You can calculate its location in the SMF record using the following formula:
(address of record type 113 + offset value in field SMF113DOF)
Subtype 2 records are CPU specific. For each hardware data event collection cycle, the system creates one subtype 2 for each active CPU.

Start of changeOnly a subset of the hardware data CPU event counters can be collected in subtype 2 records. (See the description of the SMF113_2_CST field for the supported counter sets.) IBM recommends using SMF type 113 subtype 1 records.End of change

The system captures the valid counters and places them contiguously in subtype 2 of record type 113. Start of changeFor example, counter 0 of the first counter set, will be in the 1st slot. Counter 9 of the first counter set will be in slot 10 of the first counter set. Counter 0 of the second counter set will follow the last counter in the first counter set.End of change