z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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Example 8: Edit Double-Byte Character Set Data

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

In this example, an edited data set containing double-byte character set data is created. Shift-out/shift-in characters (< and >) are inserted to enclose the DBCS strings.
  //DBLBYTE  JOB  ...
  //            DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200,RECFM=FB),SPACE=(TRK,(1,1))
  //SYSIN    DD *
       RECORD FIELD=(20,1,,1),FIELD=(16,33,VC,21),
The control statements are as follows.
  • SYSUT1 DD defines the input data set, INPUT, which resides on a disk volume.
  • SYSUT2 DD defines the output data set, OUTPUT, which will reside on a disk volume.
  • SYSIN DD defines the control data set, which follows in the input stream.
  • GENERATE indicates that a maximum of four FIELD parameters and nine literal characters will appear on subsequent RECORD statements, and that the input data set contains DBCS data.
  • RECORD specifies how input records will be edited before being placed in the output data set. The first FIELD parameter indicates that the first 20 positions (bytes) of the input records are to be placed in the first 20 positions of the output records.
  • The second FIELD parameter indicates that data in positions 33 through 48 are to be checked to ensure that they are valid DBCS data, and that shift-out/shift-in characters are to be inserted around this field. For DBCS data to be valid, each byte of the 2-byte characters must have a hexadecimal value between X'41' and X'FE', or the 2-byte character must be a DBCS space (X'4040'). Once the checking and inserting are completed, this field is to be copied to the output records beginning at position 21.
  • The third FIELD parameter operates on the 30-byte field beginning at position 50 in the input records. This field is checked for valid DBCS data, and shift-out/shift-in characters are inserted around the field. The resulting field is copied to the output records beginning at position 39.

Notice that in specifying the output locations in the FIELD parameter, you have to account for the additional positions that the SO/SI characters will use. For instance, the eight-character (16-byte) DBCS string beginning at position 21 does not end at position 36, but at 38. The SO/SI characters are single-byte characters, so the pair will take up two positions.

The final FIELD parameter clears out the final positions of the output records with asterisks.

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