z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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Example 6: Edit and Copy a Sequential Input Data Set with Labels

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

In this example, a sequential input data set is edited and copied.
  //             VOLUME=SER=001234,LABEL=(3,SUL)
  //             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80),
  //             VOLUME=SER=001235,LABEL=(,SUL)
  //SYSIN    DD  *
         RECORD  FIELD=(10,'**********',,1),
         RECORD  LABELS=2
  (first header label record)
  (second header label record)
         RECORD   LABELS=2
  (first trailer label record)
  (second trailer label record)
The control statements are as follows:
  • SYSUT1 DD defines the sequential input data set (OLDSET). The data set was originally written as the third data set on a tape volume.
  • SYSUT2 DD defines the sequential output data set (NEWSET). The data set is written as the first data set on a tape volume. The output records are blocked to reduce the space required by the data set and to reduce the access time required when the data set is subsequently referred to. The BLKSIZE parameter is omitted so that the system will calculate an optimal value that is less than or equal to 32␠760 bytes unless the system programmer sets the default differently. The data set is passed to a subsequent job step. The LABEL=(,SUL) is required because of the user labels created.
  • SYSIN DD defines the control data set, which follows in the input stream.
  • GENERATE indicates that a maximum of three FIELD parameters is included in subsequent RECORD statements and that a maximum of 11 literal characters are included in subsequent FIELD parameters.
  • The first RECORD statement controls the editing, as follows: asterisks are placed in positions 1 through 10; positions 1 through 5 of the input record are converted from H-set BCDIC to EBCDIC mode and moved to positions 11 through 15; and an equal sign is placed in position 16.
  • EXITS indicates that the specified user routines require control when SYSUT1 is opened and when SYSUT2 is closed.
  • LABELS indicates that labels are included in the input stream.
  • The second RECORD statement indicates that the next two records from SYSIN should be written out as user header labels on SYSUT2.
  • The third RECORD statement indicates that the next two records from SYSIN should be written as user trailer labels on SYSUT2.

This example shows the relationship between the RECORD LABELS statement, the LABELS statement, and the EXITS statement. IEBGENER tries to write a first and second label trailer as user labels at close time of SYSUT2 before returning control to the system; the user routine, ROUT2, can review these records and change them, if necessary.

Related reading: For more information, see EXEC Statement.

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