SMP/E for z/OS Messages, Codes, and Diagnosis
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Sample dialog problem

SMP/E for z/OS Messages, Codes, and Diagnosis

The following figures are a sample sequence of SMP/E dialog panels. Following the figures is the information you would report if a problem were to occur when you were using the panels.

When you invoke ISPF, there are modes of processing you can specify to obtain additional information that can help you diagnose dialog problems. For example, you could specify TEST when you call ISPF. If an error occurs while you are using a dialog panel, you can request the help panel. This panel will display the ID of the help panel, the ID of the preceding dialog or help panel, and the ID of the error message that was issued.

For more information on the ISPF TEST mode, see z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference.

For the following figures, assume that you had wanted to display a particular SYSMOD entry in the global zone, but you did not get a panel showing the SYSMOD entry. When you recreate the problem, you would go through the following screens:

Figure 1. SMP/E Primary Option Menu
 GIM@PRIM                   SMP/E PRIMARY OPTION MENU             SMP/E 36.nn
 ===> 3

     0  SETTINGS           - Configure settings for the SMP/E dialogs
     1  ADMINISTRATION     - Administer the SMPCSI contents
                             and install SYSMODs
     3  QUERY              - Display SMPCSI information
     4  COMMAND GENERATION - Generate SMP/E commands
     5  RECEIVE            - Receive SYSMODs, HOLDDATA and
                             support information
     6  MIGRATION ASSISTANT- Generate Planning and Migration Reports
     7  ORDER MANAGEMENT   - Manage ORDER entries in the GLOBAL zone
     D  DESCRIBE           - An overview of the dialogs
     T  TUTORIAL           - Details on using the dialogs
     W  WHAT IS NEW        - What is New in SMP/E

     Specify the name of the CSI that contains the global zone:
 (Leave blank for a list of SMPCSI data set names.)

 Specify YES to have DD statements for SYSOUT and temporary
 data sets generated. Specify NO, to use DDDEFs.
    Generate DD statements   ===> NO

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 5650-ZOS  5655-G44
 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 2013
Figure 2. Query selection menu
GIMQUPO                        QUERY SELECTION MENU
===> 1

   1  CSI QUERY           - Display SMPCSI entries
   2  CROSS-ZONE QUERY    - Display status of an entry in
                            all zones
   3  SOURCEID QUERY      - Display SOURCEIDs for specified zone

   D  DESCRIBE            - Overview of using QUERY

   T  TUTORIAL            - Information on using QUERY

To return to the SMP/E primary option menu, enter  END .

5650-ZOS 5655-G44(C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP 1982, 2013
Figure 3. CSI query panel
 GIMQU1PO                          CSI QUERY

 Specify the zone, entry type, and name to be queried:

       ZONE NAME      ===> global       Name of the zone to be queried.
                                        To display a list of all zones,
                                        leave blank

       ENTRY TYPE     ===> sysmod       Entry type to be queried.
                                        To display a list of all valid
                                        entry types, leave ENTRY TYPE
                                        and ENTRY NAME blank

       ENTRY NAME     ===>              Entry name to be queried.
                                        Leave blank or use a wildcard
                                        (entry name pattern) to display
                                        a selection list.

 To return to the Query selection menu, enter  END .
Figure 4. CSI query – select entry panel
 ===>                                                          SCROLL ===>

  Select one entry to query from global zone global  :

  S   NAME         ACTION
  s   F000000
This is the information you would report for this panel sequence:
  • Job to be accomplished:

    Display SYSMOD entry F000000 in the global zone.

  • Sequence of dialog panels and data entered:
    Data entered
    Command line: 3 to select QUERY SMPCSI DATA SET: 'DESCTEST.VSAM.CSI' Generate DD statements: left as NO
    Command line: 1 to select CSI QUERY

    ZONE NAME: global
    ENTRY TYPE: sysmod

    Line command: s to select SYSMOD entry F000000.
  • Problem:

    Panel GIMQIT26 was not displayed after SYSMOD entry F000000 was selected from the global zone.

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