Options for copying bill lines to billing batches

You can schedule bill batch creation for all price schedules on a customer agreement. You also can copy bill lines for work orders, tickets, and sales orders to existing bill batches with a cron task. Or you can copy bill lines in the background or foreground immediately.

Automatic creation of bill batches from price schedules

You can set up automated billing of all price schedules on a customer agreement. Specify a billing schedule that creates bill batches for all price schedules on a customer agreement. You can specify that bill batches are grouped by order number, customer purchase order number, customer cost center, or the reporting user. Schedules can be set up by calendar or by financial period.

The PLUSPBILLPSGENCRONTASK cron task runs on the schedule that you specify.

Automatic copy of bill lines to a bill batch

You can schedule a cron task to regularly copy bill lines for work orders, tickets, and sales orders to an existing customer bill batch. The scheduled task runs as a background process.

To set up the scheduled task, open the PLUSPCOPYBILLLINESCRONTASK record in the Cron Task Setup application. By default, the schedule is set up to run once a month. In most cases, you replace only the customer variable with the customer name from the bill batch.

Immediate copy of bill lines to a bill batch

When you copy bill lines to a bill batch in the Customer Billing application, the option to copy lines in the background is displayed. If you copy in the background, you can specify one or more email addresses for notification when copying finishes. While lines are being copied to a batch, you cannot select or copy bill lines or modify the record.

After each 100th bill line is processed, records are committed to the database.

If a copy process failed and must be restarted, select the action to start the copy again. Do not restart the process unless there is a failure, such as a server failure. The action erases all copy history and starts the copy process again.
