DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER (Delete node group member)

Use this command to delete a client node from a node group.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted policy privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                                       V           |   
>>-DELete NODEGROUPMember--group_name----node_name-+-----------><


Specifies the name of the node group from which you want to delete a client node.
Specifies the name of the client node that you want to delete from the node group. You can specify one or more names. When specifying multiple names, separate the names with commas; do not use intervening spaces. You can also use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes.

Example: Delete node group members

Delete two nodes, node1 and node2, from a node group, group1.
delete nodegroupmember group1 node1,node2

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.