DELETE NODEGROUP (Delete a node group)

Use this command to delete a node group. You cannot delete a node group if it has any members in it.

Attention: You can remove all the members in the node group by issuing the DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER command with a wildcard in the node_name parameter.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted policy privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-DELete NODEGroup--group_name--------------------------------><


Specifies the name of the node group that you want to delete.

Example: Delete a node group

Delete a node group named group1.
delete nodegroup group1

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DELETE NODEGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.