Detailed descriptions of the XL Fortran compiler options

This section contains descriptions of the individual options available in XL Fortran.

For each option, the following information is provided:
The functional category to which the option belongs is listed here.
For many compiler options, you can use an equivalent @PROCESS directive to apply the option's functionality within the source code, limiting the scope of the option's application to a single source file or compilation unit, or even selected sections of code.
This section provides a brief description of the effect of the option (and equivalent directives), and why you might want to use it.
This section provides the syntax for the command-line option and for the equivalent @PROCESS directive, if applicable. Syntax is shown first in command-line form, and then in @PROCESS form.

Uppercase letters are sometimes used to indicate the minimum number of characters for an option. For example, in -qassert=CONTIGuous, the uppercase letters CONTIG indicate the minimum number of characters you must use for this option. Therefore if you use -qassert=contig or -qassert=contigu, the compiler recognizes both as valid.

For @PROCESS syntax, the following notations are used:
  • Defaults for each option are underlined and in boldface type.
  • Individual required arguments are shown with no special notation.
  • When you must make a choice between a set of alternatives, they are enclosed by { and } symbols.
  • Optional arguments are enclosed by [ and ] symbols.
  • When you can select from a group of choices, they are separated by | characters.
  • Arguments that you can repeat are followed by ellipses (…).
In most cases, the default option setting is clearly indicated in the syntax diagram. However, for many options, there are multiple default settings, depending on other compiler options in effect. This section indicates the different defaults that may apply.
This section describes the suboptions that are available for the option.
This section describes any rules or usage considerations you should be aware of. These can include restrictions on the option's applicability, precedence rules for multiple option specifications, and so on.
Where appropriate, examples of the command-line syntax and use are provided in this section.

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