Scheduled file transfer log message formats

Every time a request for a scheduled file transfer is processed by the agent, a schedule log message is published to the coordination queue manager (on its SYSTEM.FTE/Log/agent name/schedule ID topic). This message conforms to the ScheduleLog.xsd XML schema.


The following schema describes which elements are valid in a schedule log XML message.

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:include schemaLocation="fteutils.xsd"/> 

    <xsd:element name="schedulelog">         
                <xsd:element name="originator"       type="hostUserIDType"  
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="0"/>         		
                <xsd:element name="action"           type="actionType"      
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="1"/> 				
                <xsd:element name="schedule" 	      type="scheduleType"    
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="0"/> 				
                <xsd:element name="sourceAgent"      type="agentType"       
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="0"/>            		
                <xsd:element name="destinationAgent" type="agentClientType" 
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="0"/> 	        	
                <xsd:element name="status"           type="statusType"      
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="0"/>         		
                <xsd:element name="transferSet"      type="transferSetType" 
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="0"/>         		
                <xsd:element name="job"              type="jobType"         
                             maxOccurs="1"           minOccurs="0"/>   		         	
            <xsd:attribute name="version"   type="versionType" use="required"/> 			
            <xsd:attribute name="ID"        type="xsd:string"  use="required"/>         

    <xsd:complexType name="actionType"> 		
            <xsd:extension base="actionEnumType">     			
                <xsd:attribute name="time" type="xsd:dateTime" use="required"/>     		

    <xsd:simpleType name="actionEnumType"> 			
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">     			
            <xsd:enumeration value="submit"/>     			
            <xsd:enumeration value="delete"/>     			
            <xsd:enumeration value="expire"/>     			
            <xsd:enumeration value="skipped"/>     		

    <xsd:complexType name="transferSetType">         
            <xsd:element name="item"            type="itemType" 
                         maxOccurs="unbounded"  minOccurs="1"/>         
        <xsd:attribute name="size" type="xsd:int" use="required"/>         
        <xsd:attribute name="priority" type="priorityType" use="optional"/>     

    <xsd:complexType name="itemType"> 		
            <xsd:element name="source"      type="fileSourceType" 
                         maxOccurs="1"      minOccurs="1"/> 			
            <xsd:element name="destination" type="fileDestinationType" 
                         maxOccurs="1"      minOccurs="1"/> 		
        <xsd:attribute name="mode" type="modeType" use="required"/> 		
        <xsd:attribute name="checksumMethod" type="checkSumMethod" use="required"/> 	


Understanding the schedule log message

The elements and attributes used in the schedule log message are described:

Group element that describes a single submitted scheduled file transfer.
Attribute Description
version Specifies the version of this element as detailed by Managed File Transfer.
ID The unique identifier for the submitted schedule file transfer.
Group element that contains the elements specifying the originator of the request.
The host name of the system where the source file is located.
The user ID that originated the file transfer.
The MQ user ID that was supplied in the message descriptor (MQMD)
Specifies the action to take with the scheduled transfer matching the ID attribute of <schedulelog> element. This element must be one of the following values:
  • submit - new scheduled transfer
  • delete - cancel schedule transfer
  • expire - schedule transfer entry about to be processed
  • skipped - a transfer that was scheduled cannot be started because the agent is offline. This message is logged when the agent becomes available to indicate the transfer was skipped.
Attribute Description
time Specifies the date and time the log entry was published (in date time format).
Specifies the name of the agent on the system where the source file is located.
Attribute Description
agent Specifies the name of the agent.
QMgr The name of the agent queue manager.
Specifies the name of the agent on the system you want to transfer the file to.
Attribute Description
agent Specifies the name of the agent.
QMgr The name of the agent queue manager.
The result code and supplement messages.
Specifies a group of file transfers you want to perform together. During transmission <transferSet> is a group element containing <item> elements.
Attribute Description
size Specifies the number of transfer items.
priority Priority level of the transfer. Priority is a value in the range 0-9, where 0 is the lowest priority. The default priority level is 0 and by default the transfer uses the priority level of the source agent.
Group element that contains elements specifying the source and destination file names and locations.
Attribute Description
mode Specifies the transfer mode as being either binary or text.
checksumMethod Specifies the type of hash algorithm that generates the message digest to create the digital signature. Permitted values are MD5 or none
Group element that contains the <file> and <checksum> elements for the file on the source system.
Attribute Description
recursive Specifies that files are transferred recursively in subdirectories when the <source> element is a directory or contains wildcard characters.
disposition Specifies the action that is taken on the <source> element when <source> has successfully been transferred to its destination. The valid options are as follows:
  • leave - the source files are left unchanged.
  • delete - the source files are deleted from the source system after the source file is successfully transferred.
Group element that contains the <file> and <checksum> elements for the file on the destination system.
Attribute Description
type The type of file or directory at the destination. The valid options are as follows:
  • file - specifies a file as the destination
  • directory - specifies a directory as the destination
  • [z/OS]dataset - specifies a z/OS® data set as the destination
  • [z/OS]PDS - specifies a z/OS partitioned data set as the destination
exist Specifies the action that is taken if a destination file exists on the destination system. The valid options are as follows:
  • error - reports an error and the file is not transferred.
  • overwrite - overwrites the existing destination file.
Specifies the name of the file to transfer. Use the fully qualified path in the format consistent with your operating system, for example C:/from/here.txt. Do not use file URIs.
Attribute Description
encoding The encoding for a text file transfer.
EOL Specifies the end of line marker. Permitted values are:
  • LF - line feed character only
  • CRLF - carriage return and line feed character sequence
Group element that contains an element specifying job details. <job> is a user-defined job name identifier that is added to the log message when the transfer has started. This <job> element is the same as the <job> element that is included in the transfer request message, which is described in the following topic: File transfer request message format.
The value of name can be any string.


Examples of XML messages that conform to this schema are provided for each of the following scheduled transfer actions: Transfers that are started by a schedule are logged in the same way as a standard transfer. For examples of log messages for transfers started by a schedule, see Scheduled file transfer log message examples.