Known operator issues and limitations

The WebSphere® Liberty operator has some known issues and limitations.

WebSphereLibertyDump system dump might not work on all Kubernetes versions

The system dump type of the WebSphereLibertyDump custom resource might not work on Kubernetes versions such as Red Hat® OpenShift® 4.x.

Other available dump types are thread and heap.

Service bindings do not work between applications deployed by WebSphere Liberty operator

If the service binding operator shares binding information between two applications that are deployed by WebSphere Liberty operator, the created secret is not mounted as a volume by the consumer application. This failure is a known issue. The service binding operator currently does not support the injection of a service binding secret into the relevant custom resource.

Applications that are deployed by WebSphere Liberty operator can be bound only as services or providers to other workloads, such as pods or deployments.

Red Hat OpenShift Serverless (Knative) does not support HTTPS on a pod level

A Knative Serving / Red Hat OpenShift Serverless sidecar container can connect to the application container only over HTTP connection. The application must be listening on an HTTP port to use Knative.