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Administering Liberty by using developer tools

You can modify how the workbench interacts with Liberty by using the server editor.


  1. In the Servers view, right-click the server and select Open.
  2. View general information, publishing, timeouts, and settings in the server editor.
    The Liberty settings include the following options:
    Stop server on workbench shutdown
    Specifies whether a server instance that you started is stopped when you shut down your developer tools workbench. When you create a server instance, the setting is enabled for that instance by default. You can enable or disable the setting for a particular server instance independent of your other server instances. When you shut down your developer tools workbench, all the server instances that you started inside the workbench and that have the Stop server on workbench shutdown setting enabled is stopped during shutdown. However, all the server instances that you started inside the developer tools workbench but have the Stop server on workbench shutdown setting disabled continue to run. Any servers that you started outside the developer tools workbench also continue to run.
    Server connection
    Specifies information about the remote Liberty server connection settings. This information includes user name, password, and secure port settings for the remote server. These settings are the same as those settings that you enter when you create a new remote server. You can modify the values for these settings and click Verify to test the remote connection. When you click Verify, you establish a JMX connection to the remote host with the values that you specified. If no such server exists, an error message is displayed and the server state is changed to STOPPED. If the connection is successful, a fresh JMX connection is made with the server and the server state is updated according to the state of the remote server.
    • The fields for the user name, password, and port number settings cannot be empty. If any of the fields are empty, you cannot save. If any of the fields are empty, Verify is disabled.
    • If you are using a local host, the user name, password, and port number settings are disabled. These settings are enabled only if the server in use is a remote server.

What to do next

You can modify the publishing, timeout, and other settings that are related to the interaction between the workbench and the server.