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Displaying the server configuration in a merged view

You can use the Merged Configuration view to see a flattened view of the server configuration and any included configuration files.

About this task

In the Server Configuration editor, under the Configuration Structure section, you can use the Include element to import files that contain additional configuration settings. The Include element can embed multiple layers of configuration files within the server.xml file, which can make the configuration difficult to read without tools. The Merged Configuration view provides a flattened view of the server configuration and any included configuration files. This is a read-only view and cannot be edited.


To display the server configuration in a merged view:

In the Servers view, right-click the server configuration and select Open Merged View.


This is a screen capture of the Server Configuration editor that uses the Include element to embed the common.xml file into the server.xml configuration file:
This is a screen capture of the server.xml file that includes a common.xml file.
Here is an example of the source code for the server.xml file. Look at the include tag which imports the common.xml file:
	<application id="Web2.5" location="Web2.5.war" name="Web2.5" type="war"/>
	<include location="common.xml"/>
Here is an example of the source code for the common.xml file:
	<application id="Setup" location="Setup.war" name="Setup" type="war"/>
This is a screen capture of the Merged Configuration view:
This is a screen capture of the Merged Configuration view.

Look under the Configuration Structure sections to see the difference between the Server Configuration editor and Merged Configuration view. The Merged Configuration view replaces the Include: common.xml element from the Server Configuration editor with Application: Setup element.