DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

TIMESTAMP_FORMAT scalar function

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                       | .-,--6------------------.                     |        
                       | '-,--precision-constant-'  '-,--locale-name-' |        
                       |                 .-,--6------------------.     |        

The schema is SYSIBM.

The TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function returns a timestamp that is based on the interpretation of the input string using the specified format.

The expression must return a value that is a built-in CHAR or VARCHAR data type. In a Unicode database, if a supplied argument is a GRAPHIC or VARGRAPHIC data type, it is first converted to VARCHAR before evaluating the function. The string-expression must contain the components of a timestamp that correspond to the format specified by format-string.
The expression must return a value that is a built-in CHAR or VARCHAR data type. In a Unicode database, if a supplied argument is a GRAPHIC or VARGRAPHIC data type, it is first converted to VARCHAR before evaluating the function. The actual length must not be greater than 254 bytes (SQLSTATE 22007). The value is a template for how string-expression is interpreted and then converted to a timestamp value.
A valid format-string must contain at least one format element, must not contain multiple specifications for any component of a timestamp, and can contain any combination of the format elements, unless otherwise noted in Table 1 (SQLSTATE 22007). For example, format-string cannot contain both YY and YYYY, because they are both used to interpret the year component of string-expression. Refer to the table to determine which format elements cannot be specified together. Two format elements can optionally be separated by one or more of the following separator characters:
  • minus sign (-)
  • period (.)
  • slash (/)
  • comma (,)
  • apostrophe (')
  • semi-colon (;)
  • colon (:)
  • blank ( )
Separator characters can also be specified at the start or end of format-string. These separator characters can be used in any combination in the format string, for example 'YYYY/MM-DD HH:MM.SS'. Separator characters specified in a string-expression are used to separate components and are not required to match the separator characters specified in the format-string.
Table 1. Format elements for the TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function
Format element Related components of a timestamp Description
AM or PM hour Meridian indicator (morning or evening) without periods. This format element is dependent on locale-name, if specified. Otherwise, it is dependent on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME.
A.M. or P.M. hour Meridian indicator (morning or evening) with periods. This format element uses the exact strings "A.M." or "P.M." and is independent of the locale name in effect.
DAY, Day, or day none Name of the day in uppercase, titlecase, or lowercase format. The language used is dependent on locale-name, if specified; otherwise, it is dependent on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME.
DY, Dy, or dy none Abbreviated name of the day in uppercase, titlecase, or lowercase format. The language used is dependent on locale-name, if specified; otherwise, it is dependent on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME.
D none Day of the week (1-7). The first day of the week is dependent on locale-name, if specified; otherwise, it is dependent on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME.
DD day Day of month (01-31).
DDD month, day Day of year (001-366).
FF or FFn fractional seconds Fractional seconds (0-999999999999). The number n is used to specify the number of digits expected in the string-expression. Valid values for n are 1-12 with no leading zeros. Specifying FF is equivalent to specifying FF6. When the component in string-expression corresponding to the FF format element is followed by a separator character or is the last component, the number of digits for the fractional seconds can be less than what is specified by the format element. In this case zero digits are padded onto the right of the specified digits.
HH hour HH behaves the same as HH12.
HH12 hour Hour of the day (01-12) in 12-hour format. AM is the default meridian indicator.
HH24 hour Hour of the day (00-24) in 24-hour format.
J year, month, and day Julian day (number of days since January 1, 4713 BC).
MI minute Minute (00-59).
MM month Month (01-12).
MONTH, Month, or month month Name of the month in uppercase, titlecase, or lowercase format. The language used is dependent on locale-name, if specified; otherwise, it is dependent on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME.
MON, Mon, or mon month Abbreviated name of the month in uppercase, titlecase, or lowercase format. The language used is dependent on locale-name, if specified; otherwise, it is dependent on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME.
NNNNNN microseconds Microseconds (000000-999999). Same as FF6.
RR year Last two digits of the adjusted year (00-99).
RRRR year 4-digit adjusted year (0000-9999).
SS seconds Seconds (00-59).
SSSSS hours, minutes, and seconds Seconds since previous midnight (00000-86400).
Y year Last digit of the year (0-9). First three digits of the current year are used to determine the full 4-digit year.
YY year Last two digits of the year (00-99). First two digits of the current year are used to determine the full 4-digit year.
YYY year Last three digits of the year (000-999). First digit of the current year is used to determine the full 4-digit year.
YYYY year 4-digit year (0000-9999).
Note: The format elements in Table 1 are not case sensitive, except for the following:
  • AM, PM
  • A.M., P.M.
  • DAY, Day, day
  • DY, Dy, dy
  • D
  • MONTH, Month, month
  • MON, Mon, mon

The DAY, Day, day, DY, Dy, dy, and D format elements do not contribute to any components of the resulting timestamp. However, a specified value for any of these format elements must be correct for the combination of the year, month, and day components of the resulting timestamp (SQLSTATE 22007). For example, assuming a value of 'en_US' is used for locale-name, a value of 'Monday 2008-10-06' for string-expression is valid for a value of 'Day YYYY-MM-DD'. However, value of 'Tuesday 2008-10-06' for string-expression would result in error for the same format-string.

The RR and RRRR format elements can be used to alter how a specification for a year is to be interpreted by adjusting the value to produce a 2-digit value or a 4-digit value depending on the leftmost two digits of the current year according to the following table.

Last two digits of the current year Two-digit year in string-expression First two digits of the year component of timestamp
00-50 00-49 First two digits of the current year
51-99 00-49 First two digits of the current year + 1
00-50 50-99 First two digits of the current year - 1
51-99 50-99 First two digits of the current year
For example, if the current year is 2007, '86' with format 'RR' means 1986, but if the current year is 2052, it means 2086.
The following defaults are used when a format-string does not include a format element for one of the following components of a timestamp:
Timestamp component Default
year current year, as 4 digits
month current month, as 2 digits
day 01 (first day of the month)
hour 00
minute 00
second 00
fractional seconds a number of zeros matching the timestamp precision of the result
Leading zeros can be specified for any component of the timestamp value (that is, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) that does not have the maximum number of significant digits for the corresponding format element in the format-string.

A substring of the string-expression representing a component of a timestamp (such as year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) can include less than the maximum number of digits for that component of the timestamp indicated by the corresponding format element. Any missing digits default to zero. For example, with a format-string of 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', an input value of '999-3-9 5:7:2' would produce the same result as '0999-03-09 05:07:02'.

If format-string is not specified, string-expression will be interpreted using a default format based on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME.

An integer constant that specifies the timestamp precision of the result. The value must be in the range 0 to 12. If not specified, the timestamp precision defaults to 6.
A character constant that specifies the locale used for the following format elements:
  • AM, PM
  • DAY, Day, day
  • DY, Dy, dy
  • D
  • MONTH, Month, month
  • MON, Mon, mon
The value of locale-name is not case sensitive and must be a valid locale (SQLSTATE 42815). For information on valid locales and their naming, see "Locale names for SQL and XQuery". If locale-name is not specified, the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME is used.

The result of the function is a TIMESTAMP with a precision based on precision-constant. If either of the first two arguments can be null, the result can be null; if either of the first two arguments is null, the result is the null value.

