IBM Streams 4.2

Creating an IBM Streams basic domain and instance

You can create a basic domain and instance by using the IBM® Streams graphical user interfaces or the streamtool command-line interface.

A basic domain is typically used for test or development environments. Use an enterprise domain for a production environment.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the value of the STREAMS_ZKCONNECT environment variable is unset. This environment variable is used to set the connection string for an external ZooKeeper server. If the value of this environment variable is not unset, IBM Streams streamtool commands might not use embedded ZooKeeper, which can cause incorrect results.

  • If your home directory is on a shared file system, you can only use embedded ZooKeeper on one resource at a time. IBM Streams starts embedded ZooKeeper when you start the domain. For example, if user1 starts the domain on resource A and the same user tries to start the same domain on resource B, an error occurs.

  • The streams.zookeeper.quorum bootstrap property indicates the host name of the embedded ZooKeeper server. Only a local host name is supported. When streamtool is first started, this property is populated with a local host name and persisted in the home directory of the user. If your home directory is on a shared file system and you want to start embedded ZooKeeper on a different resource, update the streams.zookeeper.quorum property with the new host name by using the streamtool setbootproperty command. Otherwise, an error message similar to the following example is issued: CDISA5252E Invalid value for bootstrap property 'streams.zookeeper.quorum'. For embedded ZooKeeper the value must specify the hostname for the local host. Found: host1. Use 'streamtool setbootproperty' to update the property value.
