
Testing of an SPL directed flow graph that contains Java primitive operators.

See: Description

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    An executable flow graph of Java primitive operators with support for disconnected input and output ports.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Utility methods for testing OperatorGraph instances that contain implementations of Operator.

Package Description

Testing of an SPL directed flow graph that contains Java primitive operators.


In a test framework, the JavaTestableGraph interface supports the execution of an arbitrary graph that contains Java primitive operators. In a Java development environment using standard Java techniques, this interface supports unit testing of Java code for classes that implement Operator.

The execution environment for the graph simulates an InfoSphere Streams standalone application, with these differences:

  • All Java primitive operators are defined only by the Java class, not by the operator model.
  • The external test framework loads classes, and therefore:
    • All classes must be provided by the external framework. For example, the class path for executing JUnit tests in Apache Ant must include all the required classes.
    • Classes are be shared across operators. In an InfoSphere Streams compiled SPL application, each operator has its own class loader that loads the classes defined by its operator model.

Testing Example

The following code is a simple example that shows how an OperatorGraph is tested after it has been declared.
   OperatorGraph graph = OperatorGraphFactory.newGraph();

   // Definition of graph omitted.
   // See overview for package for example

   // Create the testable version of the graph
   JavaTestableGraph testableGraph = new JavaOperatorTester().executable(graph);

   // Execute the initialization of operators within graph. 

Single Operator Java Class Testing

JavaOperatorTester contains utility methods that simplify testing for a single class that implements Operator. Test code can create an OperatorInvocation directly using JavaOperatorTester.singleOp(Class) and a JavaTestableGraph for it using JavaOperatorTester.tester(OperatorInvocation).


The following sample code represents a single operator unit test in the JUnit style for the sample RandomBeacon operator. The test is a unit test that verifies that the number of tuples submitted by the operator matches the value set for the corresponding iterations parameter.
    public void testIterations() throws Exception {

        final int expectedCount = 100;

        JavaOperatorTester jot = new JavaOperatorTester();

        // Set the invocation context for the single operator
        // including setting the iterations parameter
        OperatorInvocation<RandomBeacon> op = jot.singleOp(RandomBeacon.class);
        OutputPortDeclaration output = op.addOutput("tuple<int32 a>");
        op.paramInt("iterations", expectedCount);

        // Create a graph for testing
        TestableGraph tester = jot.tester(op);

        // Attach a StreamHandler that counts tuples and punctuation marks to the output port
        StreamCounter<Tuple> counter = new StreamCounter<Tuple>();
        tester.registerStreamHandler(output, counter);

        // Execute the graph

        // Verify the counter see the correct number of tuples and punctuation marks.
        assertEquals(expectedCount, counter.getTupleCount());
        assertEquals(1, counter.getMarkCount(Punctuation.WINDOW_MARKER));
        assertEquals(1, counter.getMarkCount(Punctuation.FINAL_MARKER));
InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.1