IBM Support

Post-upgrade tasks for IBM Business Automation Workflow V18.0.0.1

Product Readmes


After you successfully upgrade your IBM Business Automation Workflow V18.0.0.1 environment, some additional configuration steps might be required.

Consider the following tasks if any of the fixes in the table affect your environment or how you use the product.



Important notes
  • IBM Cloud Product Insights was automatically removed during the upgrade. If you had Cloud Product Insights configured, perform the following steps to completely remove the configuration:
    1. Delete the file from the following directories on the deployment manager where you added them:
    Server directory: <profile_root>/config/cells/<cellName>/nodes/<nodeName>/servers/<serverName>
    Cluster directory: <profile_root>/config/cells/<cellName>/clusters/<clusterName>
    Node directory: <profile_root>/config/cells/<cellName>/nodes/<nodeName>
    Cell directory: <profile_root>/config/cells/<cellName>
    2. If you have an Advanced or AdvancedOnly deployment environment (DE) configured, check your Business Flow Manager state observer logging settings in the administrative console by following the instructions in Enabling logging for Business Process Choreopgrapher. For Cloud Product Insights, the Dynamic Event Framework logging state observer has been enabled. Disable it when you don’t have other monitoring solutions that need events.
    3. Check your WebSphere Application Server security audit configuration. For Cloud Product Insights security auditing has been enabled. If you don't need security auditing, disable it by following the instructions in Enabling the security auditing subsystem.

Post-upgrade steps for IBM Business Automation Workflow V18.0.0.1

Interim fix (APAR) Description Tasks to enable the function

In some cases, the namespace of a web service is applied to business objects

In some cases, the namespace of an inbound web service is used for business objects in the generated WSDL file. As a result, the requests and responses of the inbound web service are affected. Instead of the web service's namespace, the business object's namespace should be used if a custom namespace is set. 

After installing Business Automation Workflow V18.0.0.1, the business object namespace is used for business objects. If you need a different behavior you can change it as described in JR59216.


The database disk runs out of space quickly

As the result of fix JR52069, the LSW_INST_MSG_EXCL table constantly grows when the intermediate message event is in a loop with "Durable Subscription" selected while the process instance is active.

To enable this fix, add following lines to the 100Custom.xml file for IBM Workflow Center and IBM Workflow Server:

         <enable-legacy-behavior-for-dur-msg-when-msg-event-is-in-loop merge="replace">true</enable-legacy-behavior-for-dur-msg-when-msg-event-is-in-loop>

by following this procedure:

1. Stop the servers of your IBM Business Automation Workflow deployment environment.

2. Start the scripting client in disconnected mode as described in updateBPMConfig command.

3. Run the following commands:

wsadmin> AdminTask.updateBPMConfig( [ '-create', '/server' ] )

wsadmin> AdminTask.updateBPMConfig( [ '-create', '/server/bpd-engine' ] )

wsadmin> AdminTask.updateBPMConfig( [ '-create', '/server/bpd-engine/enable-legacy-behavior-for-dur-msg-when-msg-event-is-in-loop', '-xNodeValue', 'true' ] )


4. Restart the servers of your Business Automation Workflow environment.

For more information, see Modifying runtime server configuration properties and The 100Custom.xml file and configuration.


[{"Product":{"code":"SS8JB4","label":"IBM Business Automation Workflow"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

Business Automation Workflow

Document Information

Modified date:
06 July 2018

