IBM Support

OpenPages GRC Platform 7.1 Fix List

Release Notes


A comprehensive list of defect corrections for major releases, refresh packs and fix packs of OpenPages GRC Platform 7.1.

Details of the APARs listed below can be accessed by clicking the link for the APAR number. If you have questions about a particular defect, please contact Customer Support.


Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages 7.1.
PI09613Strong password policy doesn't allow the comma to pass validation
PI09905Current OpenPages Rename/Move command line utility documentation could lead to data/security corruption
PI11216Password that contains %00 causes http 500 server error
PI11758Adding Object Type Dimension in Reporting Framework Configuration causes DOM Exception
PI11768Optimized File Upload Not Working as Expected - Certificate Errors Thrown
PI12313Creating child object in Activity View ignores Default Folder setting
PI12521Parent object selections do not appear in move pop-up for self contained object type if any parent object instance contains a backslash in it's description field
PI12909Process Analysis Report does not render correctly in IE10
PI13340OpenPages session is expiring after Workflow Console is opened
PI13358Deploying to WebSphere Application Server Installation Guide does not identify tasks to perform on Linux for Load-balanced configuration using HTTP Server.
PI13557Adding multiple secondary parent associations to objects causes error There are no when trying to display additional listing of objects.
PI13637Can't switch to Active Reporting Period in object detail pages without adding super Administrator user to ActiveReportingPeriodAdministrators group
PI14010Documentation for Creating a Cognos Workspace pagelet is Incorrect in the OpenPages Administrator's Guide
PI14174Admin Guide steps for Setting Permissions on JSP and Reports are incorrect.
PI14257The CollectSchemaStatistics utility for DB2 is NOT documented in the OpenPages Guides
PI14266Using ObjectManager to migrate several profiles is slow
PI14753Information on "Using Filtering on Long String Field Content' for DB2 is not easy to find in OpenPages Administrators Guide
PI15736Error Occurs when loading the Role Templates after Object associations are disabled
PI15852rebind-routine-packages.sql file is missing from OpenPages/aurora/bin/db2stats directory
PI16828Scripts to setup Fulltext Index on DB2 fails if OPENPAGES schema user is not granted DBADM authority
PI17786Field Guidance is not displaying in edit mode when Field Dependencies enabled
PI18058Instructions for adding vertical node on Linux is not correct
PI18887OpenPages Administrators unable to disable Navigational Views once enabled
PI18898JobLaunchManager connection issues
PI19466Logs full of java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: errors 
PI19757Documentation not complete on uninstalling an upgrade
PI20375Audit plans helper doesn't complete
PI20410The OpenPages Function OP_ACTOR_MGR.GET_DISPLAY_NAME() Does Not Work on New Multi-User Display Type
PI20463Performance of IE 8 is on average twice as bad as previous versions of OpenPages
PI20597REST API gives an error if client changes order of field attributes during PUT/POST
PI20717Documentation not complete on setting up SSL for WebSphere
PI21946Add or Modify Plan Helper shows hidden values
PI22064Multi-users are imported as multiple rows
PI22169Steps to set file descriptor limit needs to be performed for DB2 on UNIX platforms
PI22333SQL provided in the 6.2.x and 7.x.x.x including 7.0.0.x FP’s upgrade media contain sql-wrapper.sql that hard codes USD as base currency
PI22511Exporting RTF fields to Excel displays HTML codes when includeHTMLTags is set to FALSE
PI22765Setting max parents on survey objects to 1 does not disable the ‘Associate…’ items under the ‘Actions’ menu
PI23476Rich Text Fields made required via a controlling field is not behaving as expected
PI23990Notification Manager causes aurora logs to be deleted and not to rollover
PI24271Steps for Scenario: Access to Issue Action Items in Administrators Guide don’t produce correct results
PI24288None of the registry settings are imported if field groups/field names do not exist in the clean target system
PI24490OpenPages Admin Guide suggests some objects can be deleted during Active Reporting Period
PI25340Accessibility Link is Not displaying When a Value is Defined
PI25799Computed Fields that generate Report links are not working in Filtered List View
PI25918OpenPages Database Function Meant for Reporting CONVERT_EVIDLIST_TO_NAME() is returning "character string buffer too small" errors
PI26291OpenPages Administrator's Guide is Not Clear on What Object Type Restrictions There are for the objectDeleteRule Tag for an Object Reset
PI26331Filters are being duplicated when using Environment Migration or ObjectManager
PI26546SLF4J messages running Object Manager and/or Job Launch Manager
PI26933Documentation is not clear on where Field Dependencies are honored
PI27355User name format does not follow what is stated in the OpenPages Administrators Guide
PI27761Text section of Admin Guide Missing Steps on How to update Labels (and Field Guidance) for System Fields
PI28501Adding Filtered List View (FLV) Advanced Filters Scrolls Off the Page
PI28988OpenPages Documentation and In-App Documentation About Grid View Not Clear About Managing Columns
PI29371Admin Guide needs to say that Primary Parent Hierarchy and Business Entity Hierarchy can't be added to navigational views
PI31770Exception while processing objectProfileViewsForObjectType
PI32053The issue management and remediation report does not return all open issue objects in the report output.
PI32389Having a Create RLS and a Read RLS rule on the same Object Type is not working properly
PI34468Security rules do not work on null values
PI34633CacheException is logged in aurora.log during OP server startup
PI35284Unnecessary SQL call on login operations to retrieve user activity.
PI35757Unique Key Violation exception while using local API to update the user profile
PM54805Filtered List on Home Page not showing the proper fields
PM56381Cognos BI 8.4.1 Fix Pack 4 and OpenPages
PM56872Incorrect translation for "Total"
PM58045Drill-Through reports do not work from Lotus Notes / Outlook when using the Email Report option
PM58178Unable to Select "Role Templates" as a Job Owner or Assignee for Workflows
PM58201Breadcrumb and back button take you to the wrong place when using a filtered list view
PM58216Behavior of decimal fields is irrational
PM60928FastMap not updating exchange rate when changing local code
PM60992Unable to add or load application strings successfully if the Enable Auditing registry setting is set to false
PM70603Insufficient tuning information available to end-users
PM74623XSS filter trips upon encountering the string "Onstop"
PM77887The New User Management Screens Fail if the OpenPages Context is Removed
PM79213OPBackup fails with ANT exception if openpages-storage and openpages-backup-restore folders are on mounted SAN drives
PM80080Update Trigger: Property change not being detected when changing a field to a blank (null) value
PI29902Deleting Objects in Bulk via an Object Reset Rule is Slow (or Hangs) using DB2
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages 7.1 FP1.
PI21012Copying self contained objects to same folder will create new folder name ending with .txt in the folder path of the copied object
PI24283Changing the object prefix after reporting schema has been generated does not update the framework model upon next generation
PI30782Object View display order not working
PI34811FastMap “USESYSTEMNAMES” parameter not generating system names in export template
PI36108API QueryService searches on ? and ' are not working
PI38157Ensure debug.enabled=false in
PI38254RepositoryService.createResource() method in sdk api is not appending .TXT To the object names
PI38984Clicking on user field in filter editor produces error page popup
PI41452Unable to use /grc/api/security/users example in GRC_REST_API.DOC
PI48020Problems with getting parent object information on a newly created object in a create event trigger via the API
PI24896ObjectManager load to reset password is inconsistent
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages IF5.
PI49784Icons missing from Add New wizard if /openpages is removed from URLIcons missing from Add New wizard if /openpages is removed from URL
PI30379Grid view user selector icons missing when not using the default OpenPages URL
PI49702Navigating Activity View child objects throws ROCNBC when one of the children has a lot of grandchildren.
PI49341Some proxy servers not accepting HTTP requests from “Add New” feature.
PI41126Dependent picklist field value does not display in the dropdown while editing the object if it is set to hidden or/and made invalid for that object by changing the picklist rule.
PI47815Create resource link does not work properly if there is a carriage return in the description field
PI28806Object detail page is not redisplayed during edit session when a controlling field is set to Read Only.
PI28829Single User Selector Field unexpectedly adds $; in the instance as if it were a Multi-Selector Field
PI40274Error panel can't hold more than 7 error messages
PI49213Dependent field cleared when editing object and original value has become invalid
PI40365I18N cache engine is pulling back records for deleted profiles causing performance issues
PI43357Extra spaces in the folder path will cause FastMap not to load data.
PI49179Duplicate views created in profiles
PI49341OP_UTILITIES.CONVERT_ID_TO_NAME function could run into an ORA-06502 if the data results in a 3999 or 4000 character length string
PI48317Spawn job node filter not working if traverse level is not set to “ALL”
PI48492Report XML being truncated due to premature session logout
PI44666Parent object changes cannot be saved after child object edit page is left without clicking save or cancel buttons
PI32890Gridview does not display previously saved selection
PI46593Fields that are both dependent and a controller and are set to readonly in the view do not control correctly
PI47242Rendering issues when an enumerated field is both a controller and controlled field (field dependencies), and is also set to read only in the profile.
PI45914RQP-DEF-0403 error when running a report with Long String fields
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages IF6.
PI52358Read-only User Selector property allows users to be assigned.
PI52466Filtered List View throws an error after clearing the Quick Filter and attempting to use a Quick Filter again.
PI52344Enumeration value in a multi-select field with special characters displaying special characters as &xxx; when selected.
PI52684Add New object Review tab does not display characters after and including the ampersand character in a text area field.
PI52362Edit of child object will not redisplay edit form if save fails.
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages 7.1 FP2.
PI22700Moving multiple objects via Filtered List View (FLV) randomly produces errors
PI32081Filter on END USER finds subsets of username
PI328207.0.0.2 and installers don't connect to database when run from command prompt
PI33191Audit Plans helper does not display translated drop-down values
PI34993Sorting a Grid View using currency field column does not work
PI38737DB2 version of OP_ACTOR_MGR.GET_DISPLAY_NAME throws errors when input list contains many userids
PI43599Audit Close helper locking WorkPapers on other audits
PI43800Unable to install Workflow Studio due to error during install
PI45037Navigation Menu items are missing when clicking on a link from emails
PI46437The Expand/Compact icon on the Grid View is not always working correctly
PI48505Exporting profiles via ObjectManager raises error OP-05060
PI48593Security rules don't restrict copy of child objects
PI48650Cannot save RLS rules by using a long formula
PI51303duplicateKeyException during objectmanager load
PI51631ObjectManager throws an error in OpenPages when columnWidth attribute set to 0
PI51929Create Resource Links helper won't work if any resource name contains apostrophe
PI52706List View returning no results
PI52749Attestation creation report does not create attestation object
PI52886Internet Explorer tab doesn't indicate any progress when using Export to Excel
PI52889Export issues object from FLV fails - missing correct UI Message when actual amount of records to export exceed maximum allowed in registry setting
PI53410No message to user when using Export to Excel exceeds max concurrency
PI53595Review Policy helper falsely reports success if Internet Explorer not set to refresh page on every visit
PI54112Error message persists after clicking cancel
PI54226TimeSheet entry jsp doesn't have cacheBusting on js and css files.
PI54501Fix Pack 1 for OpenPages 7.1 overwrites customized settings
PI54908Export to excel functionality takes 100% CPU usage
PI56282Hard-coded "openpages" in URL for two Add New launch points
PM56129Exporting of fields is inconsistent with the application text
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages 7.1 FP3.
PI32890Gridview does not display previously saved selection
PI52497Filtered List View (FLV) does not sort multi-enumerated fields properly
PI52930Clicking on a completed workflow email task link results in blank page displayed in OpenPages UI
PI533093rd party xss filter or 3rd party sso providers may block the single quote character
PI56282Hard-coded "openpages" in URL for 2 Add New launch points
PI56287For grid view or filtered list view, the add new menu shows no object types if /openpages removed from url
PI56379FastMap ignoreEmptyFields = false will clear out system fields if field is not included in import file
PI57182Bulk update in navigational/grid views does not consistently show drop-down properties correctly
PI58510 Potential NullPointerException in XSSFilterImpl.validate()
PI585227.1 fix pack 2 installer confusing on reporting-only servers
PI59029Navigating between the options available under the reporting or administration menu causes flickering of the gui
PI60276ACLs will not load in opx interface if url contained in compatibility view settings
PI60339Prepopulate timesheet throwing null pointer exception when going to next week when current week has a locked timesheet
PI60892Timesheet add row button is inactive when attempting to add time to a new week when previous week contains a locked timesheet
PI61308Filter using a user selector field cannot be saved, op-00024
PI61912Prepopulate Timesheet Rows will lead to "duplicate rows" error while one rows are duplicated
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages IF2.
PI47037Add new wizard does not wrap test in Internet Explorer 11
PI61181Cannot copy objects from library (Entity) where user has read only access to objects
PI66762Framework Generation: Custom procedures do not parse correctly if values contain parentheses and do not support prompts
PI57011Dependent picklists automatically select values when controller field is updated
PI61351Clicking view field while on the edit / upload screen breaks upload
PI62577Currency conversion is rounding off to 3 decimal places
PI63080Cognos session not renewing after OpenPages session is renewed
PI63157CognosPort cache accumulating lots of memory and OutOfMemory errors to occur
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages 7.1 FP4.
PI49201Wizard for create from existing doesn’t update the description field
PI68429Intermittent OpenPages and Cognos authentication failures
PI68498Rejecting KRI Value shows an unknown error on save
PI68869Security Rule to restrict read on object does not remove object from parent search in Add New Wizard
PI70906Add New Wizard not showing carriage returns for text area fields when Internet Explorer (IE) is used
PI71595Filters using End User not returning data
PI77552User not able to create Orphan objects in the Folder view if they do not have access to the root folder for the Object Type

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

