IBM Support

SPSS Statistics 21.0 Fix Pack 1 Fix List

Release Notes


A comprehensive list of defect corrections for the SPSS Statistics 21.0 Fix Pack 1. Details of the fixes are listed below under the tab for the respective Fix Pack. If you have questions about a particular defect, please contact Customer Support.

Note: each successive Fix Pack is comprehensive and contains the material from the earlier Fix Packs for that Release, as well as all Interim Fixes made available since the previous Fix Pack or full Release. In other words, when multiple Fix Packs are available, you would not need to apply Fix Pack 1 before applying Fix Pack 2.

Also, these lists may contain some internal defect numbers. This was necessitated to provide a complete list of corrected defects as we continue to transition our internal defects to APARs. Future Fix Lists will only contain APAR references.


SPSS Statistics 21.0 FP1 Downloads

SPSS Statistics 21.0 FP1

Issues corrected since SPSS Statistics 21.0 Release
Number Description
PM68568 A problem with a license expiration message and menu enabling on Mac OS has been corrected.
PM73488 A pushed installation of "SPSS Statistics - R Integration Package" sometimes failed to run correctly. That has been fixed.
Statistical Analysis
PM73153 A problem where AGGREGATE and DESCRIPTIVES could produce an incorrect sum with certain data (mostly 0s) was fixed.
PM79350 A problem where AGGREGATE and DESCRIPTIVES could produce an incorrect sum with certain data (mostly 0s) was fixed.
PM75214 With some combinations of string variables and blanks, GENLINMIXED could cause the application to close suddenly. That has been fixed.
PM78557 Running very large UNIANOVA models could cause the application to close suddenly. That has been fixed.
PM80848 A problem with missing value handling in SUMMARIZE has been corrected.
PM74695 When using Locale's encoding and a model file with non-English characters, Simulation could fail to run. That has been fixed.
PM76458 When using the Japanese User Interface Language and Unicode encoding, Nonparametric Tests (NPTESTS) could fail to run. That has been fixed.
PM79509 A problem with the scaling of EXAMINE Boxplots has been corrected.
PM80473 GENLINMIXED syntax required the case of variables names to match the case of the same names in the data. That has been fixed.
PM72579 Simulation could fail to open a plan file from a read-only directory on Windows 7. That has been fixed.
PM72604 With the user interface language set to Korean or Chinese, the Simulation user interface did not display a control when it should have. That has been fixed.
PM72686 Problems with Simulation Builder when switching from a Model File to an Equation have been fixed.
PM73694 In some non-English user interfaces, there was a problem with the path for the Plan file in the Simulation dialog. That has been fixed.
PM73713 A problem with Reset in the Simulation user interface has been corrected.
PM75511 Spelling problems in Simulation Builder have been fixed.
PM79845 When the data contained more than one variable with the same label, Nonparametric Tests (NPTESTS) could fail to show all of the results. That has been fixed.
PM72104 Cluster membership results could be different between 32- and 64-bit operating systems due to slight differences in computation. That has been fixed.
PM77802 With certain data, MEANS could treat variables as missing when they were not. That has been fixed.
PM75530 Missing values for SUMMARIZE were sometimes incorrectly displayed as ".0". That has been fixed.
PM78778 When there was not enough data to support the number of lags requested in CCF, the reported cross-correlations were not correct. That has been fixed.
PM81481 Fit lines on charts now work correctly when the user interface language is Spanish.
PM72822 Problems editing graphs created from Pivot Tables have been corrected.
PM73594 Problems editing graphs while using non-English user interfaces have been corrected.
PM74912 Problems editing graphs when values contained "<" have been corrected.
PM76704 Problems adding Data Value Labels to charts created from FREQUENCIES have been corrected.
PM76728 Chart Templates now correctly apply quadratic fit lines with confidence intervals.
PM78141 Adding a fit line for subgroups to a scatterplot could sometimes fail. That has been fixed.
PM79854 Chart Options color settings are now applied to Boxplots when they are created.
PM80141 Chart Templates sometimes didn't save all of the changes. That has been fixed.
PM81780 With certain characters in variable labels, Chart Builder could sometimes fail to create the chart. That has been fixed.
PM74816 A problem displaying Polygon Overlay Maps was corrected.
PM75757 Interpolation lines can now be deleted when there is also a 'Fit Line at Total'.
PM67018 Symbol sizes can now be changed on Point Overlay maps.
Data Access/ODBC
PM77783 Performance when opening large Excel files has been improved.
PM78320 Saving an Excel file with certain characters in a long name could result in an unreadable file. That has been fixed.
PM78767 Opening a very large Excel file could fail. That has been fixed.
PM77522 Importing Cognos data could fail under some conditions. That has been fixed.
PM79391 Problems opening Excel files with certain complex equations have been corrected.
PM80465 The application sometimes interpreted date/time incorrectly when opening an Excel file. That has been fixed.
PM72710 Saving an Excel file with certain characters in a long name could result in an unreadable file. That has been fixed.
PM75503 Problems opening Excel files with certain complex equations have been corrected.
PM77307 Excel columns with "." in the name would open in the application without the ".". That has been fixed.
PM75941 Performance when opening large Excel files on Windows 7 has been improved.
PM80233 A problem with the Database Wizard and Informix has been fixed.
PM82798 Problems exporting new fields to Postgre SQL databases have been corrected.
PM82800 Problems opening data from Postgre SQL databases have been corrected.
PM76808 The Database Wizard would sometimes persist the last new query when it should not have. That has been fixed.
PM79263 The Database Wizard would sometimes fail to open data with a "." in the field name. That has been fixed.
PM80680 The Database Wizard would sometimes fail to open an Access database. That has been fixed.
PM80826 Problems exporting string data to Postgre SQL databases have been corrected.
PM78032 Problems opening data from Postgre SQL databases have been corrected.
PM73320 Text files created by the Modeler Application can now be read by the Text Import Wizard.
PM75541 The Text Import Wizard could fail when the user interface language was French. That has been fixed.
PM78487 The Database Wizard would sometimes fail to open an Oracle database linked through the PEV driver. That has been fixed.
PM72287 When using Statistics in a C&DS job, the REPOSITORY CONNECT command would fail if the encrypted password contained a '+' character. This has been corrected.
Data Management
PM72589 Under some conditions Star Join could merge files incorrectly resulting in the wrong number of cases. That has been fixed.
PM72747 With unsorted data, Star Join could merge files incorrectly. That has been fixed.
PM77297 A problem where the Star Join user interface was misleading has been corrected.
PM77460 Star Join could overwrite the active dataset when that was not expected. That has been fixed.
PM67912 Replace in the Data Editor could fail for strings that contain the $ character. That has been fixed.
PM73502 Entering data rapidly in the Data Editor while displaying Value Labels could cause double entries. That has been fixed.
PM77042 Performance when selecting cases has been improved.
PM74807 Performance of Star Join with unsorted data has been improved.
PM82731 A problem formatting very small values in Pivot Tables has been fixed.
PM84361 Using the N7 format could cause values in FREQUENCIES output to be formatted incorrectly. That has been fixed.
PM68063 The layout of column headers with custom table looks has been improved.
PM74195 Scientific notation was sometimes not used to display very small numbers when it should have been used. That has been fixed.
PM75417 A problem with Custom Currency formats and Polish output was fixed.
PM76383 Decimal value formatting for weighted CROSSTABS is now consistent with earlier releases.
PM79196 The layout of corner and column heading text for Pivot Tables was improved.
PM79283 The column width of Custom Tables was improved for multiple-line cell values.
PM80538 Formatting of captions on Pivot Tables has been improved.
OMS/Output Export
PM74652 OMS would sometimes fail to log exports to XML and Text. That has been fixed.
PM74836 A problem exporting charts in some formats when the output language was not English has been corrected.
PM78792 Pivot Tables exported to PowerPoint could not be edited in PowerPoint. That has been fixed.
PM78928 Columns hidden by SPSSINC MODIFY TABLES would appear when exported to Excel. That has been fixed.
PM82052 Pivot Tables exported to PDF could have display problems under some conditions. That has been fixed.
PM77617 The SPSSINC_BREUSCH_PAGAN R Extension available from IBM developerWorks failed to run. That has been fixed.
PM80409 A problem when creating string variables with the "SPSS Statistics - Integration Plug-In for Java" has been corrected.
PM68195 A problem with the SetTextHidden scripting API was corrected.
PM76059 A problem with the SetValueAt scripting API was corrected.
PM80418 A licensing problem with the EXTENSION command was fixed.
PM80907 A restart of the application is no longer required to recognize a new extension command.
PM74526 An inconsistency between Python scripting APIs NumColumns and GetValueAt was fixed.
Statistics Server
PM73106 Statistics Server running with the Single Sign On (SSO) feature required users to be added to an administrative group. That has been fixed.
PM79603 Memory usage has been improved for KNN (Nearest Neighbor).
PM67980 Problems using UNC paths to open files were fixed.
PM70979 Problems using UNC paths to open files were fixed.
PM81994 Statistics Server running on AIX with Collaboration and Deployment Services sometimes failed to produce output. That has been fixed.
PM76972 When running on a server with a large number of cores, the Server application could return an error when it was closed. That has been fixed.
PM65570 The production facility could fail for large FREQUENCIES jobs. That has been fixed.
PM82826 A problem with the display of the "Define Dates" user interface has been corrected.
PM74600 German translation problems on the Merge Files user interface have been corrected.
PM78099 The Option to not display commands in the Log did not work as expected. That has been fixed.
PM74131 Problems with Simulation output for non-English output languages have been fixed.
PM76908 The Option to not scroll to new Output did not work as expected. That has been fixed.
PM67194 Performance running a very large syntax file has been improved.
PM76621 Performance while renaming a large number of variables has been improved.
PM81436 Using Replace All in the Syntax Editor could affect color coding when it should not. That has been fixed.
PM67528 Writing files to Windows 7 Libraries is now supported.
PM68731 The Statistics Adapter for C&DS sometimes did not handle Polish characters properly when publishing. This has been fixed.
PM75431 A published table would sometimes result in incorrectly formatted output when saved to RTF from the Deployment portal. This has been corrected in the Statistics Adapter.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLVMB","label":"IBM SPSS Statistics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"21.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

