IBM Support

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WebSphere Business Process Choreographer (updated February 15, 2011)

Product Documentation


The following list includes frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Business Process Choreographer to help you troubleshoot potential problems and enhance how you use the product.


Do you have ideas for other FAQ about Business Process Choreographer? Give us your feedback in the Rate this page section at the bottom.

Additional FAQ documents are available for other WebSphere Business Process Management products.

FAQ table of contents

Business Process Choreographer Explorer
How do I troubleshoot exceptions that I receive when I use the process template structure or the process state view in Business Process Choreographer Explorer?

Why do I receive an error message in Process Instance View in Business Process Choreographer Explorer, stating that the user is unauthenticated, even after I have configured the REST API settings correctly?

People Resolution and Human Task Manager
How can I configure Virtual Member Manager (VMM) with groups configured in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and add new verbs in the VMM*.xml file?

How can I remove unused people query results from the database?

Process deployment and template administration
Instance data in the database slows performance and causes the database transaction log to fill up. How can I prevent these problems?

I want to avoid having to uninstall and reinstall business processes and human tasks. How can I avoid these problems?

How can I remove process templates that still exist after I uninstall and reinstall business processes and human task applications?

Query tables
How can I use authorization and filter options to build query tables?

How can I use query tables in Business Process Choreographer Explorer?

Business Process Choreographer database
How can I run the Business Process Choreographer database more efficiently?

Business Space
How can I display, sort, filter, and group tasks in lists in Business Space?

Business Process Choreographer Explorer
The following FAQ refer to Business Process Choreographer Explorer.

FAQ: How do I troubleshoot exceptions that I receive when I use the process template structure or the process state view in Business Process Choreographer Explorer?
Answer: Business Process Choreographer Explorer uses REST APIs for connection to the BPE and HTM containers. Verify that your REST API configurations are correct. For more information, see REST API exceptions when using Business Process Choreographer Explorer, and also the Related Information section in the link to verify that the REST API settings are correct.

FAQ: Why do I receive an error message in Process Instance View in Business Process Choreographer Explorer, stating that the user is unauthenticated, even after I have configured the REST API settings correctly?
Answer: To check settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the administrative console and click Applications > Enterprise Applications.
  2. In the right panel, click BPEContainer_scope, where scope is either nodeName_serverName or clusterName, depending on whether you configured Business Process Choreographer on a server or on a cluster.
  3. In the right panel, under Detail Properties, select Security role to user/group mapping.
  4. Ensure that the mapping for the J2EE BPEAPIUser role is set to All authenticated.
  5. Repeat these steps for the TaskAPIUser role of the TaskContainer_name application.
  6. Save your changes, and then restart the server or cluster on which you configured Business Process Choreographer.

People Resolution and Human Task Manager
The following FAQ refer to people resolution and the Human Task Manager.

FAQ: How can I configure Virtual Member Manager (VMM) with groups configured in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and add new verbs in the VMM*.xml file?
Answer: To learn how to configure VMM, see Building human tasks with the Virtual Member Manager and LDAP.

FAQ: How can I remove unused people query results from the database?
Answer: After the process instances and human tasks that use people queries finish, Business Process Choreographer maintains a list of user names in the runtime database until the corresponding business process application is uninstalled. You can use administrative script to remove unused people query results. For more information, see Removing unused people query results, using administrative scripts.

Process deployment and template administration
The following FAQ refer to process deployment and template administration.

FAQ: Instance data in the database slows performance and causes the database transaction log to fill up. How can I avoid these problems?
Answer: Design processes correctly, clean up completed processes in the database, and use new features with WebSphere Process Server V7, as described in Database transaction log space full error when deleting a process instance.

FAQ: I want to avoid having to uninstall and reinstall business processes and human tasks. How can I avoid these problems?
Answer: To learn about actions that are performed during the installation and deployment of processes and human tasks, see Installing business process and human task applications and its subtopics.

FAQ: How can I remove process templates that still exist after I uninstall and reinstall business processes and human task applications?
Answer: See the tips described in CWWBD0000E - uninstallation of an application fails to remove process templates from the BPEDB.

Query tables
The following FAQ refer to query tables.

FAQ: How can I use authorization and filter options to build query tables?
Answer: Design query tables and use additional query table options such as role-based authorization and filters, as described in Using the Query Table Builder in WebSphere Process Server V6.2.

FAQ: How can I use query tables in Business Process Choreographer Explorer?
Answer: You can use query tables in Business Process Choreographer Explorer to improve performance of predefined and custom queries in customer scenarios as described in Using query tables in Business Process Choreographer Explorer.

Business Process Choreographer database
The following FAQ refer to the Business Process Choreographer database.

FAQ: How can I run the Business Process Choreographer database more efficiently?
Answer: To plan, tune, and maintain the Business Process Choreographer database, see the tips described in Database Planning, Performance Tuning and Maintenance for Business Process Choreographer.

Business Space
The following FAQ refer to Business Space powered by WebSphere.

FAQ: How can I display, sort, filter, and group tasks in lists in Business Space?
Answer: See Customize your task lists in Business Space.


[{"Product":{"code":"SSQH9M","label":"WebSphere Process Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Process Choreographer","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;;;;6.2;;;;6.1.2;;;;;6.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

