IBM Support

IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator Interim Fix 2 for



IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator has been made generally available and contains fixes to version including all predecessor fixes.

Download Description

Table of Contents
Sections Description

The Change history section provides an overview on what is new in this release with a description of any new functions or enhancements when applicable.

The How critical is this fix section provides information related to the impact of this release to allow you to assess how your environment may be affected.

The Prerequisites section provides important information to review prior to the installation of this release.

The Download package section provides the direct link to obtain the download package for installation in your environment.

The Installation instructions section provides the installation instructions necessary to apply this release into your environment.

The Known side effects section contains a link to the known problems (open defects) identified at the time of this release.

Supporting Documentation
Document Description

Click to review the detailed system requirements information for a complete list of hardware requirements, supported operating systems, prerequisites and optional supported software, with component-level details and operating system restrictions.

IBM Knowledge Center provides an entry point to product documentation. You can view, browse, and search online information related to the product.

Click to review a complete list of the defects (APARs) resolved in this release including a list of resolved defects for the entire version family.

IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator Version 2.3 is an OpenStack based cloud solution. This document will help cloud administrators with:

  • Capacity planning
  • Performance optimization
  • Management best practices to achieve service stability


Prerequisites include:

IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator Fix Pack 1 ( for 2.3 must be installed before applying this iFix.

IMPORTANT: Before applying this iFix, ensure that all the vCenter clusters in the VMware regions are set DRS enabled, which means that the DRS function is opened and set to automatically; otherwise, IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator will fail to manage the VMs previously deployed in that cluster.

Review the Software prerequisites page in the IBM Knowledge Center to ensure your environment meets the minimum hypervisor and operating system requirements, especially if you are upgrading from a previous release of IBM Cloud Orchestrator.

Installation Instructions

1) Stop SmartCloud Orchestrator on Central Server 1
Change to directory: /iaas/scorchestrator/
Stop SmartCloud Orchestrator: ./ --stop
===>>> Stopping Smart Cloud Orchestrator
===>>> Stopping Smart Cloud Orchestrator complete

Wait until all components have stopped

2) Backup your SCO installation

Backup the Central Servers and Region Server virtual machines:

For VMware hosted virtual machines, see Taking Snaphots for information about taking snapshots of the virtual machines.

3) Copy on Central Server 1

4) Extract in a directory of your choice by running the following command:

tar zxvf

The following files are extracted:

5) Inventory Tagging

To make it easier for support to find out which SmartCloud Orchestrator fixes are installed on your system, copy some files to /opt/ibm/SmartCloud_Orchestrator/properties/version/ on Central-Server-3.
(if not present on Central-Server-3 create the directory)

scp *.fxtag \

6) Update the Java 64-bit installation on Central Server 1

- Check that the current version is Java 6 SR10:
/opt/ibm/java-x86_64-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460sr10-20111208_01 (SR10)"

- Update to Java 6 SR15 if not already installed:
yum localupdate ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-6.0-15.1.x86_64.rpm
ibm-java-x86_64-sdk.x86_64 0:6.0-15.1


- Check that the updated version is Java 6 SR15 FP1:
/opt/ibm/java-x86_64-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460sr15fp1-20140110_01 (SR15 FP1)"

7) Update the Java 64-bit installation on Central Server 2 (used by Public Cloud Gateway)

- Check that the current version is Java 6 SR10:
/opt/ibm/java-x86_64-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460sr10-20111208_01 (SR10)"

- Copy ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-6.0-15.1.x86_64.rpm to Central Server 2,
in a directory of your choice.

- Update to Java 6 SR15 if not already installed:
yum localupdate ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-6.0-15.1.x86_64.rpm
ibm-java-x86_64-sdk.x86_64 0:6.0-15.1


- Check that the updated version is Java 6 SR15 FP1:
/opt/ibm/java-x86_64-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460sr15fp1-20140110_01 (SR15 FP1)"

8) Upgrade Virtual Image Library (VIL) and VIL distributed proxy components on Central Server 2

- Make sure VIL and VIL proxy is stopped on Central Server 2 by running the following command:

service vil status
Tomcat service not started [FAILED]
Hbase service not started [FAILED]
VilProxy service not started [FAILED]
ProxyAgent service not started [FAILED]
Redis service not started [FAILED]
WebSphere Application Server not started [FAILED]

- Stop VIL server and VIL proxy on Central Server 2 if not already stopped
by running the following command:

service vil stop

- Make sure VIL proxy is stopped on each Region server where it is installed by running the following command:

service vilProxy status
Checking status vilProxy service...
vilProxy service not started [FAILED]
ProxyAgent service not started [FAILED]

- Stop VIL proxy on each Region Server where it is installed if not already stopped by running the following command:

service vilProxy stop

- Upgrade VIL proxy on each Region Server where it is installed:

- Copy to the Region Server, in a directory of your choice.

- Unpack the Virtual Image Library proxy installation package ( into a temporary directory.

- From the directory where you unpacked the installation package, upgrade Virtual Image Library proxy by running the following script:

./ -proxy -vilServer <hostnameFqdn>


- proxy Runs an installation of the distributed proxy component only on a different machine than the Virtual Image Library server.

-vilServer Specifies the fully qualified host name or the IP address of the Virtual Image Library server. To be used only together with the -proxy option. If you specify th fully qualified host name of the Virtual Image Library server, the proxy must be able to resolve that host name. If it cannot, add the IP address and host name to /etc/hosts before installing the proxy.

Tue Apr 22 09:38:55 EDT 2014: COPINS104I vilServer parameter is valid only for a new installation, so it is ignored.
Yum repository
Check Virtual Image Library build level
Install new RPM packages
Stop Proxy
Update analytics and rbagent components
Update proxy
Update Virtual Image Library scripts
Start Proxy

COPINS229I Proxy has been successfully upgraded from build level 23013 to 23017

- Upgrade VIL server and proxy on Central Server 2:

- Copy to Central Server 2, in a directory of your choice.

- Unpack the Virtual Image Library installation package ( into a temporary directory.

- From the directory where you unpacked the installation package, upgrade Virtual Image Library by running the following script:

./ -u was_admin_name -p was_admin_password


-u was_admin_name Specifies the Virtual Image Library Websphere administrator ID used during the installation (For example, wasadmin). This parameter is required.
-p was_admin_password Specifies the Virtual Image Library Websphere administrator password. This parameter is required.

Tue Apr 22 10:12:45 EDT 2014: COPINS103I Virtual Image Library is already installed, launching upgrade script.
Tue Apr 22 10:12:46 EDT 2014: COPINS201I The previous upgrade did not complete successfully.
Yum repository
Check Virtual Image Library Server status
Update ImageLibraryVMwareConnector.ear
Update ImageLibraryOpenStackConnector.ear
Update ImageLibraryVMControlConnector.ear
Update ImageManager.ear
Uninstall old OSSC RPM packages
Install new RPM packages
Update Virtual Image Library tables
Stop Virtual Image Library server
Install WebSphere Application Server Express iFix
Update analytics and rbagent components
Update proxy
Update Virtual Image Library scripts
Start Virtual Image Library server
Set java heap size for WebSphere Application Server
Install support for vSphere Client plug-in
Register TAI for IAAS
Restart Virtual Image Library Server

COPINS214I Virtual Image Library has been successfully upgraded from build level 23013 to 23017.

- Check that the updated Java version used by Virtual Image Library is Java 6 SR7 FP1:
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxi3260_26sr7fp1-20140110_01 (SR7 FP1)"

9) Update the Java 64-bit installation on Central Server 3 (used by SCUI)

- Check that the current version is Java 6 SR10:
/opt/ibm/java-x86_64-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460sr10-20111208_01 (SR10)"

- Copy ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-6.0-15.1.x86_64.rpm to Central Server 3,
in a directory of your choice.

- Update to Java 6 SR15 if not already installed:
yum localupdate ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-6.0-15.1.x86_64.rpm
ibm-java-x86_64-sdk.x86_64 0:6.0-15.1


- Check that the updated version is Java 6 SR15 FP1:
/opt/ibm/java-x86_64-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460sr15fp1-20140110_01 (SR15 FP1)"

10) Update the Java 32-bit installation on Central Server 3 (used by IBM Workload Deployer)

- Check that the current version is Java 6 SR9 FP3:
/opt/ibm/java-i386-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxi3260sr9fp3-20111122_05 (SR9 FP3)"

- Copy ibm-java-i386-sdk-6.0-15.1.i386.rpm to Central Server 3,
in a directory of your choice.

- Update to Java 6 SR15 if not already installed:
yum localupdate ibm-java-i386-sdk-6.0-15.1.i386.rpm
ibm-java-i386-sdk.i386 0:6.0-15.1


- Check that the updated version is Java 6 SR15 FP1:
/opt/ibm/java-i386-60/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxi3260sr15fp1-20140110_01 (SR15 FP1)"

- Copy new security (unrestricted) policy files
cp /opt/ibm/java-i386-60/demo/jce/policy-files/unrestricted/*.jar /opt/ibm/java-i386-60/jre/lib/security/

11) Update the 64-bit Java installation used by the Business Process Manager on Central Server 4

- Follow the instructions in security bulletin Information regarding security vulnerability in IBM SDK Java(TM) Technology Edition that is shipped with IBM WebSphere Application Server and addressed by Oracle CPU January 2014 to install IBM WebSphere Application Server interim fixes as appropriate for IBM WebSphere Application Server version used by Business Process Manager.

- In Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in current IBM SDK for Java for WebSphere Application Server January 2014 CPU click on link named "PI08994" in section "For V8.5.0.0 through Full Profile:"

- In "PI08994: SHIP SDK 626 SR7 FP1 FOR WSAS V8.5.0.X AND V8.5.5.X" you need to download the correct package (Linux+64-bit+x86+AMD/Intel+Java+SDK) by clicking the FC link which lets you download the following package: (98.17 MB)

- When downloaded, copy to the Central Server 4, in a directory of your choice.

- Check that the current version is Java 6 SR5 IFX:
/opt/ibm/BPM/v8.5/java/jre/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460_26sr5ifx-20130301_01 (SR5)"

- Make sure Business Process Manager is stopped on Central Server 4 by running the following command:

service bpm status
root: bpm-dmgr (14603): ::: bpm-dmgr status monitor detected bpm-dmgr OFFLINE.
root: bpm-node (14624): ::: bpm-node status monitor detected bpm-node OFFLINE.
root: bpm-server (14645): ::: bpm-server status monitor detected bpm-server OFFLINE.

- Stop Business Process Manager on Central Server 4 if not already stopped by running the following command (wait for services to stop and confirm with service bpm status afterwards):

service bpm stop

- Update to SR7 FP1, if not already installed, by installing the
BPM WAS Java patch
/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl install
-installationDirectory /opt/ibm/BPM/v8.5 -repositories <full path to the l5ocation of zip file>

For example, if the zip file is in /root:
/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl install
-installationDirectory /opt/ibm/BPM/v8.5 -repositories /root/

Installed to the /opt/ibm/BPM/v8.5 directory.

- Check that the updated version is Java 6 SR7 FP1:
/opt/ibm/BPM/v8.5/java/jre/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460_26sr7fp1-20140110_01 (SR7 FP1)"

12) Update the 64-bit Java installation used by SmartCloud Entry on each VMware Region Server

- Ensure SmartCloud Entry is stopped on each VMware Region Server by running the following command:

service sce status
IBM SmartCloud Entry is stopped

- Copy sce310_jre_linux_installer.bin to the VMware Region Server, in a directory of your choice.

- Update to Java 6 SR15 from the sce310_jre_linux_installer.bin downloaded directory:


Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

Choose Locale...

1- Deutsch
->2- English

(created with InstallAnywhere)

Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...


InstallAnywhere will guide you through the JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
update for IBM SmartCloud Entry.

The JRE version of this update is 1.6.0-SR15 FP1.

It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with
this installation.

Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you
want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'.

You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'.


License Agreement

Installation and use of IBM SmartCloud Entry JRE Update requires acceptance of
the following License Agreement:

International Program License Agreement



IBM SmartCloud Entry Install Locations

The following IBM SmartCloud Entry installation locations require the JRE
version to be updated to version 1.6.0-SR15 FP1.

Select the install location to proceed with the JRE update.

->1- /opt/ibm/SCE31


Pre-Installation Summary

Please review the following information before continuing:

Installation folder:

Product selected for update:
IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.1

Current JRE version:

Update JRE verson:
1.6.0-SR15 FP1


Ready To Install

InstallAnywhere is now ready to update the JRE version of IBM SmartCloud Entry
3.1 at the following installation location:





Installation Complete

Congratulations. The IBM SmartCloud Entry JRE update installed successfully at
the following location:



- Check that the updated Java version used by SmartCloud Entry is Java 6 SR15 FP1:
/opt/ibm/SCE31/jre/bin/java -fullversion
java full version "JRE 1.6.0 IBM Linux build pxa6460sr15fp1-20140110_01 (SR15 FP1)"

13) Upgrading the Image Construction and Composition Tool

- Review the Upgrading the Image Construction and Composition Tool topic and use the standard upgrade procedure or use the silent upgrade procedure by following the steps under:

- In step "Download and extract the compressed file to the computer where you want to upgrade or install
the Image Construction and Composition Tool fix pack" use

14) Start SmartCloud Orchestrator on Central Server 1

- Stop SmartCloud Orchestrator on Central Server 1 (to enable a clean start in the following step)
Change to directory: /iaas/scorchestrator/
Stop SmartCloud Orchestrator: ./ --stop
===>>> Stopping Smart Cloud Orchestrator
===>>> Stopping Smart Cloud Orchestrator complete

Wait until all components have stopped

- Start SmartCloud Orchestrator on Central Server 1
Change to directory: /iaas/scorchestrator/
Start SmartCloud Orchestrator: ./ --start

Wait until all components have started

Download Package

The following sections provide detailed information related to this release.

Click the FC link below to obtain the release from Fix Central.

How critical is this fix?

Impact Assessment
Impact Description

This is a maintenance release. It contains fixes for client-reported and internally found defects.

This release also contains fixes to the following security vulnerabilities:

Test Results


Regression: An error in the Maintenance Delivery Vehicle (MDV) that produces incorrect or unexpected behavior causing a supported feature to stop functioning as designed.
This includes:

  • Coding errors that cause a regression
  • Documentation or packaging problems that cause a regression
  • Errors reported in a new function delivered in a MDV that cause a regression

Incomplete: An error in the MDV has not regressed, but does not work as designed.
This includes:

  • Fixed APARs which did not solve the original problem but did not break anything new
  • APARs reporting documentation errors, such as readme errors, that cause problems applying an MDV but do not lead to a regression

  • Regression and incomplete APARs are considered fix-in-error or MDV-in-error
  • Definitions above apply only to valid APARs that result in product fixes (APARs returned as working-as-designed are not assessed for being fix-in-error)
  • Issues in major releases due to new functionality do not apply in this definition

There are no known regressions to report.

Problems Solved

Defects resolved

Click the Fix List link in the table of contents above to review a list of the problems solved in this release.

Known Side Effects

Review the following list of known issues and open defects:

Review the following technotes for troubleshooting assistance:

Open defects

Review the following list of open defects for IBM Cloud Orchestrator on the IBM Support Portal.

Change History

What's new

No new features or functions.

Click the link in the Download Options column:

[{"DNLabel":"ICO fixes","DNDate":"7 May 2014","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"1","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]

Technical Support

Follow IBM Cloud Tech Support on Twitter

Review the IBM Cloud Support BLOG article Enhance your IBM Cloud Support Experience for a complete list of the different support offerings along with a brief description on the best way to use each resource to improve your experience using IBM Cloud products and services.

Forums | Communities | Documentation | Contacting Support | Helpful Hints

[{"Product":{"code":"SS4KMC","label":"IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 April 2019

