IBM Support

Interim Fix 001 for Rational Software Architect, Version



This interim fix contains fixes to IBM Rational Software Architect, Version

Download Description

Interim fix 001 for IBM Rational Software Architect, Version includes the following fixes and patches:

Fixed APARs
The following APARs are fixed in this interim fix:

Data ToolsPM10458Back end folder does not get migrated
Debugging toolsPM03110Logical structure variables are not displayed correctly in the debug view
Eclipse SDKPM01733Schema Validator complaint about '-' in regular expression
Eclipse SDKPM08663UI Status Handler hang causes Runant to stop functioning.
Eclipse SDKPM08985The product crashes when lot of output is written to the Console view
Eclipse SDKPM12960Heavy console output can cause application to hang
EJB deploymentPM02535EMF causes failure in ServiceDeploy
JSF Widget Library (JWL) Runtime EnvironmentPM01042Redefine DatePicker next and previous behavior
Page DesignerPM08540JSP source editor text is skewed to the right
Source EditorPK99369JSP syntax validator requires brackets after IF statement
Source EditorPM03199Invalid Faces JSP EL validation warning: Invalid attribute (action)
Source EditorPM03508Struts <bean:define> tags cannot be defined within <input type> HTML tags
Source EditorPM04789JSP Syntax validation error <Syntax error on token "}", delete this token>
Web ServicesPM04563Manage policyset attachment panels display incorrect information
Web ServicesPM04984Exception while loading the WS-Sec custom binding
Web Site DesignerPM03608Error opening web site navigator: unable to create part
XML ToolsPM01437Out Of Memory Exception when generating XML from an XSD file
XML ToolsPM05943Opening XSD artifacts causes WebSphere Integration Developer v6.1.2 to hang
XML ToolsPM11919The product crashes when an incorrect xsl file is opened

Eclipse patches and fixes
The following additional Eclipse 3.2.2 patches and fixes are included in this release:


For information about the software and hardware requirements for Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0, see the detailed system requirements document at

Software requirements for the interim fix

Before you can install this fix pack, you must install IBM Installation Manager, Version 1.3.3. By default, if you update or install packages by using an earlier version of Installation Manager, IBM Installation Manager, Version 1.3.3 is installed on your computer automatically.

If you already installed Rational Software Architect, Version, then there are no additional software prerequisites for installing this interim fix.

Hardware requirements for the interim fix

There are no additional processor or memory requirements for installing this interim fix; however, there might be additional disk space requirements depending on whether you are installing the interim fix at the same time when you install Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0 or if you are installing the interim fix as an update:
  • If you are installing the interim fix at the same time when you install Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0, the disk space requirements are essentially the same as for version 7.0.
  • If you are installing the interim fix as an update, however, you might need up to an additional 1.95 GB of disk space. Your actual disk space requirements depend on the feature that you selected when you installed version 7.0 of the product.

If you choose to download the update as compressed files for local installation, you require approximately 8.3 GB to store and extract the content of the compressed files.

Installation Instructions

Important: By default, you do not need to download the compressed files in this document that contain the interim fix; the interim fix is downloaded and installed by IBM Installation Manager directly from the IBM update repository.

For instructions on installing this interim fix by using Installation Manager, see the
"Installation Information" section below.

For information on deploying Rational Software Architect in an enterprise environment, see the IBM Installation Manager Enterprise articles at

To download and install the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the interim fix from the download URL below.
  2. Extract the compressed files to an appropriate directory. For example, extract to C:\temp\updates. All compressed files must be extracted to the same directory.
  3. Add the interim fix's repository location in IBM Installation Manager:
    1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
    2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences, and then click Repositories.
    3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
    4. In the Add repository window, browse to or enter the file path to the diskTag.inf file, which is located in the disk1 sub-directory in the directory where you extracted the compressed files. For example, enter C:\temp\updates\disk1\diskTag.inf and then click OK.
    5. Click OK to close the Preference page.
  4. Install the interim fix as described in the "Installation Information" section below.

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Installation information

This section describes the specific installation instructions for this interim fix.

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Interim fix installation methods

The following are two ways to install this interim fix:
  • If IBM Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0, or later, is already installed on your system, you can install this interim fix as an update by using the Update Packages wizard in IBM Installation Manager. For details, see Installing the interim fix as an update.
  • If you are installing IBM Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0, for the first time or if you are installing an additional instance of it, you can install this interim fix at the same time when you install IBM Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0. For detail, see Installing the interim fix during an initial installation.

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Installing the interim fix as an update
If IBM Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0, or later, is already installed on your system, you can install this interim fix by using the Update Packages wizard in IBM Installation Manager. See the following sections for details on installing the interim fix as an update:

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Restrictions to installing the interim fix as an update
  • Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0, or later, must be installed.
  • The product and all other applications that were installed by using IBM Installation Manager cannot be running when you install this interim fix. Also, ensure that all browsers and other applications opened by Rational Software Architect are closed.
  • You can install this interim fix by using the user accounts that are members of the Administrator Group on Windows operating systems. On Linux systems, you must have "root" privileges.
  • During the process of updating from a local repository, Installation Manager might prompt you for the location of the repository for Rational Software Architect. If you installed the product from CDs or other media, they must be available when you use the update feature.

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(Optional) Changing the repository search preferences

When Rational Software Architect is installed, the location of its update repository is automatically embedded in Installation Manager. For Installation Manager to search the default update repository, the preference Search the linked repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default.

To install the interim fix from a different repository location (for example, if the interim fix is available on a shared drive or HTTP or HTTPS server), you must add the repository location in Installation Manager.

To add a repository location, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Installation Manager.
  2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences, and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens.
  3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
  4. In the Add repository window, enter the URL of the repository location or browse to it and enter a file path, and then click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Preference page.

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Steps for installing the interim fix as an update

To find and install the interim fix as an update, complete the following steps:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
    On Windows Vista, you must run Installation Manager as administrator (Right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.).
  2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click the Update button.
  3. If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
  4. In the Update packages wizard, select the Installed Location for Rational Software Architect and click Next. Installation Manager searches for updates in the Rational Software Architect repository on the web, as well as any repository locations that you entered. A progress indicator shows the search is taking place.
  5. By default, recommended updates are displayed and selected on the Update Package page. Ensure that you select Version Interim Fix 001 for Rational Software Architect, then click Next.
  6. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for the interim fix. On the left side of the License page; click each item to display the license agreement text. If you agree to the terms for all of the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements and click Next.
  7. On the Features page, select the features that you want to update and complete the following steps:
  8. To learn more about a feature, click the feature and review the brief description under Details.
  9. To see the dependency relationships between features, select Show Dependencies. When you click a feature, any features that depend on it and any features that are its dependents are shown in the Dependencies window. As you select or exclude features in the packages, Installation Manager will automatically enforce any dependencies with other features and display updated download size and disk space requirements for the installation.
  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Summary page, review information displayed, then click Update. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  12. When the update process completes, a message that confirms the success of the process is displayed near the top of the page. Click View log file to open the log file for the current session in a new window. You must close the Installation Log window to continue. To complete the installation process, click Finish.

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Installing the interim fix during an initial installation

If you are installing Rational Software Architect, Version 7.0, for the first time or if you are installing an additional instance of it, you can install this interim fix at the same time when you install version 7.0 by clicking Check for updates on the Install page of the Installing Packages wizard in IBM Installation Manager.

Important: If you are installing Rational Software Architect, Version Interim Fix 001, for the first time on Microsoft Windows Vista, see Installing the interim fix during an initial installation on Windows Vista.

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Installing the interim fix during an initial installation on Windows Vista
The steps for Installing Rational Software Architect, Version Interim Fix 001 on Microsoft Windows Vista are essentially the same as installing on other Windows operating systems. However, there are some important differences that are summarized in the following sections:

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Installation notes for Windows Vista
  • You must run Installation Manager as administrator. (Right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.)
  • If you are starting the installation of Rational Software Architect from the launchpad program, you must run the launchpad programs as administrator.
  • Note: If the launchpad program starts automatically (for example, if you are installing from a CD), stop the launchpad program and restart it by using the Run as administrator command; navigate to the CD or disk image, and right-click launchpad.exe (at the top level of the CD or image) and click Run as Administrator.

  • If you want to enable users who do not have Administrator privileges to run Rational Systems Developer, do not select an installation location or Shared Resources directory in the default path C:\Program Files\IBM\; instead, select a directory in a different path, such as C:\Program Files_IBM\.
  • Note: If you select either an Installation Location or Shared Resources Directory within the Program Files directory, the packages that you install must be run as administrator.

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Sample steps for installing the interim fix on Windows Vista
  1. Start the launchpad program as administrator (Right-click the launchpad program and click Run as administrator.).
  2. If you have not done so already, read the release information by clicking Release notes.
  3. When you are ready to begin the installation, click Install IBM Rational Software Architect.
  4. A message window opens to inform you whether the program IBM Installation Manager is detected on your workstation.
  5. If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your system, you are informed that you must install it before you can continue.
  6. Click OK to install IBM Installation Manager. The IBM Installation Manager installation wizard opens. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of IBM Installation Manager.
  7. When the installation of IBM Installation Manager completes successfully, click Finish to close the wizard.
  8. Read the message that opens and click OK. Installation Manager starts and automatically opens the Install Packages wizard.
  9. If IBM Installation Manager is detected on your system, click OK and Installation Manager starts and automatically opens the Install Packages wizard.
  10. On the Install page, click Check for updates.
  11. If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
  12. Click Check for new updates and extensions and select the latest version of the product ( Interim Fix 001).
  13. Follow the instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. Note that you should not choose a Shared Resources directory or an Installation Location in the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files).

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Starting the product on a Windows Vista computer

If the installation location or Shared Resources directory for Rational Software Architect is in a directory in the path C:\Program Files, you must run Rational Software Architect as the administrator. To run as administrator, right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.

On Windows Vista, the Program Files directory is usually virtualized in order to allow users who are not running as the administrator to have write access to this protected directory. However, the virtualization workaround is not compatible with Rational Software Architect.

If you selected an installation location or Shared Resources directory in the path C:\Program Files and you do not want to require running Rational Software Architect as administrator, complete one of the following steps:

  • If you selected an installation location in a directory in the path C:\Program Files, reinstall Rational Software Architect (and any other programs sharing the same installation location) and select an installation location that is not in the path C:\Program Files.
  • If you selected a shared resources directory in the path C:\Program Files, reinstall Rational Software Architect and all Rational Software Development Platform product (regardless of their installation location) and select a Shared Resources directory and installation locations that are not in the path C:\Program Files.

For more information about running Rational Software Architect on Windows Vista, see the technote at

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Silent installation instructions
The commands for installing silently have changed in IBM Installation Manager, Version; the information in the Installation Guide is not current. Updated information about silent installation is available in the Installation Manager Information Center at

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Uninstalling the interim fix

If you updated a previously installed version to version Interim Fix 001, you can revert to the previous version by using the rollback feature of Installation Manager. For instructions on uninstalling the product, see the Installation Guide.

The rollback feature uninstalls the updated resources and reinstalls the resources from the previous version. You can only roll back one version level at a time.

When you roll back to an earlier version of a package, it will be restored with same features that were associated with that version; any features that you added after upgrading to version Interim Fix 001 by using the Modify Packages wizard will be removed, and any features that you removed will be restored.

During the rollback process, Installation Manager must access files from the earlier version of the package. By default, these files are stored on your system when you install a package. If you changed the default setting or deleted the files by using the Remove Stored Files option on the Roll Back preferences page (File > Preferences > Rollback Files), Installation Manager will require access to your installation repository or media. If you installed the product from a repository, you must have listed in your Preferences (File > Preferences > Repositories) the repository from which you installed the previous version of the product. If you installed the product from CDs or other media, they must be available when you use the rollback feature.

Before you roll back Rational Software Architect, Version Interim Fix 001, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in with a user account that has the same privileges as the account that was used to install the packages to be uninstalled.
  2. Close Rational Software Architect and any other applications that you installed by using Installation Manager.
  3. If any applications started by Rational Software Architect are still open or running, such as a browser or WebSphere® Application Server, close them.

To roll back an updated package, complete the following steps:
  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  2. On the Start page, click the Roll Back button.
  3. In the Rollback wizard, from the Package Group Name list, select the package group that contains the packages that you want to roll back and click Next.
  4. Select the version of the package that you want to roll back to and click Next.
  5. Read the summary information and click Roll Back.

For additional instructions on uninstalling Rational Software Architect, see the Installation Guide or visit the Installation Manager Information Center.

Download Package

You can download the interim fix by using either Download Director (DD) or FTP from the table below.

If you are unable to use either of these methods, you can download the interim fix by using HTTP from Fix Central.

[{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"18/06/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"646907338","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":";sw_rationalsdp;v7/rsa/70010/ifix/ifix001/zips/"},{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"18/06/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"668214906","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":";sw_rationalsdp;v7/rsa/70010/ifix/ifix001/zips/"},{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"6/18/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"651897969","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":";sw_rationalsdp;v7/rsa/70010/ifix/ifix001/zips/"},{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"18/06/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"190374168","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":";sw_rationalsdp;v7/rsa/70010/ifix/ifix001/zips/"},{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"18/06/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"498311214","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":";sw_rationalsdp;v7/rsa/70010/ifix/ifix001/zips/"},{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"18/06/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"613060217","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":";sw_rationalsdp;v7/rsa/70010/ifix/ifix001/zips/"},{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"18/06/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"115134241","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":";sw_rationalsdp;v7/rsa/70010/ifix/ifix001/zips/"}]

Technical Support

For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Software Architect.

For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Software Architect.

For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you will need when you require support, see the IBM Software Support Handbook.

Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?

  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?

  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?

  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSYK2S","label":"Rational Software Architect Designer"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
10 September 2020

