IBM Support

TWS and DWC data gathering scripts for versions 9.x and 10.x

Question & Answer


How can comprehensive troubleshooting data for IBM Workload Scheduler (IWS) and its components be gathered and made available to IBM Support?


Gathering data for IWS Versions 10.x and 9.5: 

Utilize wa_pull_info that is delivered with the TWS instance.

Version 10.2.2 Data capture utility
Version 10.1: Data capture utility
Version 9.5: Data capture utility

Sending the data file via ecurep:
Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) - Send data

Alternative option for gathering 9.5 data from UNIX/Linux:
Usage: -twsuser <TWS_user_id>|<DWC_user_name>

Gathering data for IWS Versions 9.4 and earlier :

Download the Unix shell script attached below, and execute the script on the machine with the TWS instance and upload to the support file server.

Usage: -twsuser <tws_user>

Optional flags:
[-twsdir <path>] [-date <yyyymmdd>] [-outdir <path> | -log_dir_base <path>] [-nodbdefs] [-nowas] [-db2support] [-debug] [-u]

NOTE: Launch the script as the TWSUser unless otherwise instructed by TWS support.
NOTE: The UNIX version requires only one flag and argument: -twsuser <user>

Windows:  **** Utilize tws_inst_pull_info.cmd that is delivered with the TWS instance ****

Sending the data file via ecurep:
Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) - Send data


UNIX Sample Usage: -twsuser m94 -twsuser maestro -outdir /tmp/maestro_tmp -twsuser fta94 -twsdir ~fta94/TWA/TWS -twsuser any -twsdir /opt/IBM/TWAUI/TDWC -twsuser m94 -twsdir /home/m94 -db2support -nodbdefs -twsuser m94_dwc

UNIX Required Flag:
-twsuser <tws_user>
Specify the userid for which TWS or DWC was installed
*Note: The -twsuser value is tested against the value for EWas_user in /etc/TWA/*properties files.

UNIX Optional flags:

-date <yyyymmdd>
To capture TWS files and logs from yyyymmdd and the day prior. If not specified, files from today and yesterday will be gathered.

-outdir <path> | -log_dir_base <path>
Output writes to /tmp/tws_info by default. If another location is desired specify the full path to that location. The executing user must have write access to the parent of the directory specified. If the directory does not exist it will be created by the script. If the executing user does not have write access to the default output directory or the specified directory the script will return the failure information.

To prevent composer create actions. Use this if TWS object definitions are not needed.

To prevent WebSphere files and logs from being gathered.

To gather db2 trace information which includes db2diag.log contained in a file named

To give verbose output. Redirect the output using: > file.out 2>&1


Use this option only if the script does not successfully detect the TWS or TDWC installation home.  In that case you will be instructed to use the -twsdir flag. Specify the full path to the location to which a TWS or TDWC instance was installed. The last directory in the path should be either TWS or TDWC.
-twsdir /home/m94/TWA/TWS
-twsdir /home/tdwc94/TDWC
-twsdir /opt/IBM/TWA/TWS
-twsdir /opt/IBM/TWAUI/TDWC

Related Information

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSGSPN","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000bm3WAAQ","label":"Troubleshooting-\u003Edatagather"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.1.0;9.4.0;9.5.0"}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
08 May 2024

