IBM Cognos Analytics Toolkit

IBM Cognos Analytics Toolkit 

Establish a healthy IBM Cognos environment and in parallel perform maintenance tasks to facilitate audit, automation, administration, upgrade, and migration to cloud.


Organizations are responsible for ensuring their Cognos environments are well maintained and cleaned regularly from clutter. In reality, almost every legacy environment runs into issues because of unmanageable Content Store or corrupted objects. Knowing the environment: objects, users, security, data is a key to keeping it healthy. Cognos Toolkit is designed to make this inventory easy with the power of automation: capture information about Cognos Environment in an automated fashion, get the answers to plan an upgrade or migration effort or perform regular maintenance.

Content Store Inventory

Connect to different Cognos instances from the same Toolkit. Quickly inventory objects like Reports, Queries, Schedules, Outputs, etc. The available attributes can be output size, emails being used, and connection strings, among others. 

Cognos Content Store CleanUp

Access old, big, infrequently used or obsolete objects and keep your Content Store at a healthy size, proactively avoiding related issues. Optionally, the user can archive Public and User's My Folders content.

Search & Replace

Automated process of applying global changes across Reports, Queries, Packages, etc. The find only mode is also available. 

Object Conversions

Get ready to retire Cognos BI objects and move on to convert Queries and Analyses to Reports, Classic to Interactive Report Viewer mode (and vice versa). In Cognos Analytics 12 and onwards Analysis Studio and Query Studio will be deprecated. 

Report/Package Links

Quickly find broken report to package links and re-establish the connection on the fly.

Data Lineage Audit

Use the power of data lineage to understand reporting data and the way it is used. Get to the database tables and columns that are being used in a report, starting from a data source. 

CQM/DQM packages and reports audit

Identify CQM vs. DQM packages with their associated reports.

Easy Install

Be up & running quickly with a pre-packaged solution with minimal configuration. The available options are stand alone Tomcat application server and the Websphere liberty profile that comes packaged with Cognos.

Security and Retention Audit

Quickly analyze reports and outputs that have not been used in recent history. Similarly, analyze groups and roles and their memberships

Audit Database Clean-up

Reduce the size of the audit database based on the history requirements of the business. 

Cognos Environment

Compare the properties of all of the dispatchers in the Cognos environment. 

Export Options

The analysis results from the Cognos Analytics Toolkit can be exported to CSV and JSON files. Long running analysis can be pushed to the background.