Cognitive Commerce

Mobility in the Cognitive Era

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More than 90 thousand people will convene at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week to learn about the latest in mobile tech. Besides checking out the hottest new devices, including IoT and wearables, I expect attendees will be talking a lot about how mobility is creating new models for the enterprise, as well as pathways to greater efficiency and growth.

IBM will be in full force at MWC, sharing its unique point of view on how the powerful combination of cognitive computing and mobility can serve up insights that change the way professionals and businesses work. IBM’s partnership with Apple will be key to these discussions.

To date, the partnership has launched more than 100 IBM MobileFirst for iOS apps that put analytics in the hands of professionals ranging from wealth advisors to flight attendants, first responders, nurses and sellers to help them make better decisions, deliver superior service and delight their customers.

What we are most excited to share is the real experience we’ve had with our clients who are deploying our IBM MobileFirst for iOS solutions. While we see specific and exciting use cases within each industry, the overall value we can provide has been proven to be incredibly powerful. Businesses can change the way they work by getting information and insight to their employees that is powered by IBM cognitive computing and delivered in the most consumable and user friendly manner on Apple devices. We believe this is unique in the industry. I’d like to share a few exciting examples here:

  • German coal and power producer RWE AG said last week that it will use an IBM MobileFirst for iOS app on iPad to help its engineers work more efficiently and save time and money.
  • Air Canada has given dozens of flight directors and attendants access to the Passenger+ App on iPad in a proof-of-concept. Air Canada plans to get over 1,000 iPads into the hands of flight crews in the next few months to improve on-board customer satisfaction through personalized, consistent service.
  • Etisalat Misr, one of the leading mobile providers in Egypt, announced today that it will tap one of the apps to provide its remote support field technicians instant access to expertise and relevant data to help them be more productive and better serve customers.
  • Alior Bank in Poland – who in September announced it would be the first bank in Poland to take advantage of an IBM MobileFirst for iOS app – announced today it will adopt three more of the apps to become a truly mobile bank, allowing teams of employees in different roles to collaborate and, as a result, deliver a great customer experience while being more efficient.
  • At IBM, we’ve empowered our sales staff across 52 countries with the Expert Seller app that allows them to stay informed effectively and engage our clients with digital and personalized sales content. We are already seeing a 25 percent decrease in the amount of time spent prepping for client meetings and our clients experience has been exceptional.

This year, Apple and IBM will continue working together and scaling our apps in the market. We are working with hundreds of clients across industries and geographies.

What we see is that mobile is evolving to be the access point for the cognitive era. We are changing the way businesses and professionals work and imagine their future.

Leading companies are harnessing mobile for competitive advantage, putting data, analytics, and insights into the hands of employees to enable better and faster decisions that improve the services they provide to customers.

The next big wave of innovation will come as companies combine mobile innovation with cognitive capabilities to create experiences that are smarter, more immersive, intuitive, personalized…and nothing short of awesome.

Global Program Manager, Cloud Communications; Managing Editor, IBM THINK Blog

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