Home Security Trusteer Pinpoint Detect
IBM Trusteer Pinpoint Detect

Deliver seamless customer experiences and build digital identity trust with AI-powered, real-time fraud detection

Why Trusteer is named a leader
Real-time fraud detection without compromising on security

IBM® Trusteer® Pinpoint Detect helps organizations quickly and transparently establish digital identity trust throughout a seamless customer experience without compromising on security.

The main benefits are: 

  • Optimizing digital identity trust by assessing session risk to authenticate users throughout the omnichannel lifecycle
  • Protecting against the latest fraud trends by maintaining adaptable policies
  • Detecting fraud efficiently by using advanced detection models and global consortium data to achieve a high detection rate and reduce false positives
See potential ROI in the Forrester TEI report
Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024

Data breach costs have hit a new high. Get insights on how to reduce costs.


X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024 report

Use cases

The advanced user interface combines rich data and insights for investigation and analysis. Learn how BoursoBank protects its customers from fraud

The wide range of reports provide insights into the fraud landscape and operational efficiencies.

Features Protection and passive authentication

Detect legitimate and malicious users transparently.

Real-time risk scoring

Assess risk in every session and activity by using our global device intelligence consortium.

Transaction monitoring

Identify and prevent fraudulent transactions.


Automatic security deployment

Get immediate protection through continuous data analysis.

Behavioral biometrics

Use a cognitive approach for behavioral profiling of user biometrics across mobile and desktop.

Malware detection

Detect a wide range of malicious mobile and desktop malware targeting credential theft and account takeover.


Security and privacy in the cloud

When using IBM Cloud® offerings, your company can scale and adapt quickly to changing business needs without compromising security, privacy or risk levels. 

This offering meets these industry and global compliance standards, depending on the edition you choose:

  • EU-US Privacy Shield and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework
  • FFIEC for Financial USA
  • ISO 27001
  • SOC2 Type 2 (SSAE 16)
Trusteer product family IBM® Trusteer® Pinpoint Assure

Seamlessly assess the risk of new and guest digital identities.

IBM® Trusteer® Mobile

Access an embedded security library for native mobile web applications.

IBM® Trusteer Rapport®

Detect and remediate malware and identify phishing attacks within minutes.

Take the next step

Talk to an expert about how Trusteer fits into your fraud prevention strategy.

Register for TEI study
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