Home Business automation StoredIQ Suite StoredIQ for Legal IBM StoredIQ for Legal
Streamline the e-discovery process for legal and IT stakeholders
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IBM and Breakwater Solutions

IBM has established a new partnership with Breakwater Solutions, where we’ve transitioned IBM StoredIQ for Legal to their portfolio. Please read more about this partnership here.

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Improve e-discovery with corporate litigation management

IBM StoredIQ® for Legal provides robust electronic discovery (e-discovery) process management from hold notification to identification, preservation and collection. Legal teams can use one interface to manage all data preservation and collection requirements. The solution incorporates automation, analysis and insight throughout the process to help increase efficiency while reducing the complexity, cost and risk associated with e-discovery events. StoredIQ for Legal can be deployed both on premises and on cloud.

Benefits Repeatable and defensible process

Maintain an accurate inventory of legal obligations by case. The process includes individuals involved, information scope and whether the duties have been satisfied fully or partially and how.

Notify custodians, track confirmations

Send hold notices, track responses and automate follow-ups and escalations to drive compliance. Pre-interview custodians electronically to reduce the scope of data collected and reviewed.

Manage data requests across legal and IT

Align legal and IT on what needs to be preserved or collected, where, and by when. Use customizable forms and fulfillment workflows to facilitate a common and timely view of requirements and status.

Analyze data in place for fast insights

Analyze data in place and take action with insights before collection. Automate legal collections from more than 75 data sources.

Provide a systemic and defensible approach to e-discovery

Lower costs and reduce the time and effort traditionally required to manage your e-discovery process. Easily inform, remind and confirm duties with employees, managers and IT to prevent spoliation, and automatically capture a record of diligent, affirmative action. Decrease the volume of unstructured data by targeting only the most relevant information for a particular case. Create forensically sound and defensible collections.

Quickly and reliably identify people in hold scope

Create a list of employees to scope obligations specifically and reliably. Identify custodians based on custodian information or matter involvement. You can search the organization tree, select one or more departments and automatically build an employee list. Import custodian lists to manage large custodian numbers. You can also select and deselect to refine the scope. Add or remove custodians over time with a full audit trail.

Hold notice creation, follow-ups and escalations

Easily inform, remind and confirm duties with employees, managers and IT to prevent spoliation and automatically capture a record of diligent, affirmative action. Confirmations with automated response tracking help reduce risk and effort. Create notices from templates and simply add matter-specific elements. Easily route to attorneys for review. Use outside counsel more efficiently by pre-interviewing custodians electronically and reducing the scope of data collected and reviewed.

Align legal and IT for collections requirements and status

Achieve higher reliability and control, with less legal and IT effort. Define and communicate preservation and collection instructions. Activities are automatically tracked, logged and made transparent for attorneys and appropriate IT staff. Pre-define criteria with IT across sources, so that legal fills in the blanks for IT and IT can expand the data source details required to fulfill data requests. Status indicators keep everyone informed of responsibilities and next steps.

Analyze data in place, gain insights and take action

Automate the legal collection process from more than 75 data sources. Use a powerful search function to accelerate understanding of large amounts of unstructured content. Conduct forensically sound, fully audited collections and export. Improve user productivity by analyzing and managing data in place.

Easily monitor all discovery across different matters

Monitor, manage and mitigate risk with greater precision and less effort. Identify exceptions that need attention. Track actions and produce reports.

Related products IBM StoredIQ Suite

Automate policy execution across unstructured data, and make better-informed business decisions when you act on this data.

IBM OpenPages® Data Privacy Management

Manage risk with an AI-driven, highly scalable governance, risk and compliance (GRC) solution that runs on any cloud.

IBM Knowledge Catalog

Activate data for AI and analytics with intelligent, collaborative cataloging, backed by dynamic data access policies and enforcement.

Learn more about data governance
Visit Breakwater Solutions to learn more
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