Scaling your IBM® Db2 Warehouse cluster up and down

You can change the resources available to your Db2® Warehouse deployment to accommodate changing workloads.

About this task

This task describes how to increase or decrease CPU and memory resources on your Db2 Warehouse hosts.

  • (MPP) Do not reduce the RAM on each of your nodes below 64 GB.

To perform this task, you need to have root authority.


  1. Stop services on the head node (MPP) or the single node (SMP).
    docker exec -it Db2wh stop
  2. Stop the container on the node where the machine you want to modify is hosted.
    docker stop Db2wh
  3. Shut down the machine that you want to modify.
  4. Make the relevant changes, such as adding or reducing RAM or the number of CPUs.
  5. Power® on the machine that you modified.
  6. Start the stopped container on the modified node hosts.
    docker start Db2wh
  7. On the head node, start the Db2 Warehouse services.
    docker exec –it Db2wh start


You can see the new memory and processing details by clicking Settings > System Settings in the web console or by issuing the following command:
docker exec -it Db2wh get_system_info