IBM Support

XL C/C++ for Linux, V13.1.3, V13.1.4, V13.1.5, V13.1.6, V16.1, and V16.1.1 - Modification to Boost Libraries V1.59.0

Product Documentation


The modification file contains source changes for the Boost 1.59.0 libraries so they will work with XL C/C++ for Linux, V13.1.3, V13.1.4, V13.1.5, V13.1.6, V16.1, and V16.1.1.


About this modification file
This modification file is provided as a convenience to customers of IBM XL C/C++ for Linux, V13.1.3, V13.1.4, V13.1.5, V13.1.6, V16.1, and V16.1.1 who want to use the Boost 1.59.0 libraries in their application development. Use it to modify the Boost 1.59.0 libraries so they can work with the XL C/C++ compiler. The modification file does not extend or otherwise provide additional functionality to the Boost libraries.
IBM does not warrant or offer formal support for this modification file.

Installing the modification file
To build and use the Boost 1.59.0 libraries with the XL C/C++ compiler, you must first make a number of changes to the Boost source code. These source code changes are contained in a modification file that you can download and then apply using the patch utility provided by the operating system. The modification file provided for download on this page has been tested only with Boost release 1.59.0.

To use the modification file, you must perform the following steps:

  • Extract the files from the package. Files will be created in a directory titled boost_1_59_0/.
  • Download boost_modfile_le_1313.txt, boost_modfile_le_1314.txt, boost_modfile_le_1315.txt, boost_modfile_le_1316.txt, boost_modfile_le_161.txt, or boost_modfile_le_1611.txt from the link provided further down in this page.
  • Run the command patch -p0 < boost_modfile_le_1313.txt, patch -p0 < boost_modfile_le_1314.txt, patch -p0 < boost_modfile_le_1315.txt, patch -p0 < boost_modfile_le_1316.txtpatch -p0 < boost_modfile_le_161.txt, or patch -p0 < boost_modfile_le_1611.txt from the directory containing the boost_1_59_0/ directory. This will apply the necessary changes to the Boost source code.

Download packages and information

Release date
boost_modfile_le_1611.txt 30 November 2018 56KB FTP
boost_modfile_le_161.txt 24 April 2018 56KB FTP
15 December 2017
15 December 2016
17 June 2016
11 December 2015
49 KB
Building Boost libraries using the xlcpp toolset for IBM compilers on Linux
22 April 2016
Boost V1.59.0 - Regression Test Results with XL C/C++ for Linux V16.1.1 (for little endian distributions) - Ubuntu 16.04/Ubuntu 18.04/SLES 12/SLES 12 SP3/RHEL 7.4/RHEL 7.4 for Power Little Endian/RHEL 7.5/RHEL 7.5 for Power Little Endian/CentOS 7 30 November 2018 - HTTP
Boost V1.59.0 - Regression Test Results with XL C/C++ for Linux V16.1 (for little endian distributions) - Ubuntu 16.04/Ubuntu 18.04/SLES 12/SLES 12 SP3/RHEL 7.3/RHEL 7.4/RHEL 7.4 for Power Little Endian/RHEL 7.5/RHEL 7.5 for Power Little Endian/CentOS 7 24 April 2018 - HTTP
Boost V1.59.0 - Regression Test Results with XL C/C++ for Linux V13.1.6 (for little endian distributions) - Ubuntu 14.04/Ubuntu 14.10/Ubuntu 16.04/SLES 12/RHEL 7.3/RHEL 7.4 15 December 2017 - HTTP
Boost V1.59.0 - Regression Test Results with XL C/C++ for Linux V13.1.5 (for little endian distributions) - Ubuntu 14.04/Ubuntu 14.10/SLES 12/RHEL 7.1/RHEL 7.2
15 December 2016
Boost V1.59.0 - Regression Test Results with XL C/C++ for Linux V13.1.4 (for little endian distributions) - Ubuntu 14.04/Ubuntu 14.10/SLES 12/RHEL 7.1/RHEL 7.2
17 June 2016
Boost V1.59.0 - Regression Test Results with XL C/C++ for Linux V13.1.3 (for little endian distributions) - Ubuntu 14.04/Ubuntu 14.10/SLES 12/RHEL 7.1/RHEL 7.2
11 December 2015
License Information
11 December 2015
278 KB
International License Agreement
11 December 2015
2337 KB

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSXVZZ","label":"XL C\/C++ for Linux"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"13.1.3;13.1.4;13.1.5;13.1.6;16.1;16.1.1"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 September 2021

